Species List Botanical: Australian Native Tree & Shrubs Identification Images & Descriptions

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Pictorial Identification Key: Native Trees of Australia's East Coast

This identification key refers to 450 native trees & shrubs listed on the Trees of Australia's East Coast Web Pages.
Key Information: The basic categories, under which trees and shrubs are listed, employ leaf or leaflet length as the primary attribute, followed by differentiation of simple or compound leaf forms, type of leaf/leaflet margins (edges), and other distinguishing features. Identifying trees and shrubs by length of the leaf blade (lamina) has its limitations, as leaves of some species vary considerably in size. This is especially true for compound leaf forms where leaflet size variations are common. For this reason, the leaf length measurements employed in this tree identification key are;
Average dimensions of larger leaves/leaflets of mature trees or shrubs, which have been measured excluding the stalk. If your lamina (leaf blade) measurements fall into the border regions of major leaf length categories, check listings in both relevant groups.
Select thumbnails to view full size images (opens new browser window). Select Page links to view the relevant web page and locate tree identification images and description listed under the common name in alphabetical order.
See the Leaf Characteristics Page for comprehensive information on how to identify native tree species by leaf/leaflet features.

Select Major Group by Leaf or Leaflet Length

Rainforests of Australia's East Coast Cover

Rainforests of Australia's East Coast, HAND SIGNED BOOKS; (Out of Stock) A practical and informative field guide to the identification of native rainforest species. More than 800 colour photographs, informative graphics, maps and detailed description of more than 300 species. This book is a valuable information source for bushwalkers, students, gardeners and anyone with an interest in Australia’s native flora.
The book was written and illustrated by the author of the tree identification web pages.

New Holland Publishers: May 2019
ISBN: 9781925546293
Format: Paperback with PVC
Pages: 304 pp.
Size: 23 cm high x 15 cm wide
Full Colour Photography

Rainforests: Identification - Evolution - Reproduction
Dedicated photography of rainforest species including; mosses, mushrooms, lichens, slime moulds, ferns, conifers, flowering trees, climbing plants, orchids and palms enable the reader to identify commonly encountered species.

Leaf/leaflet length measurements used in this tree identification key are;
Average dimensions of larger leaves/leaflets of mature trees or shrubs, which have been measured excluding the stalk.
If your lamina (blade) measurements fall into the border regions of major leaf length categories, check listings in both relevant groups. Select thumbnails to view full size images (opens new browser window). Select Page links to view the relevant web page and locate tree identification images and description listed under the common name in alphabetical order. See the Leaf Characteristics Page for comprehensive information on how to identify native tree species by leaf features.

1.1 Leaves reduced to minute teeth, scales or absent (Back)

Bailey's Cypress Pine
Bailey's Cypress Pine Callitris baileyi (Page 1)
Minute scale-like leaves are keeled (ridged), between 2 to 4mm long and appear in a whorl of three, which is characteristic for the genus.
Black Cypress Pine
Black Cypress Pine Callitris endlicheri (Page 1) The tiny and closely spaced scale-like leaves appear in whorls of 3. They are 2 to 3mm long, dark green and terminate in a blunt tip.
Coast Cypress Pine
Coast Cypress Pine Callitris columellaris (Page 3)
On mature trees whorls of 3 tiny scale-like leaves appear at short internodes. They are; up to 3mm long, sharply pointed at the tip and rounded on their backside without are ridge (not keeled).
Coast Cypress Pine
Port Jackson Cypress Pine Callitris rhomboidea (Page 8)
Tiny scale-like leaves (of mature trees) appear in whorls of 3 and are only a few millimetres long, dark green or sometimes bluish green in colour.
Winged Broom Pea
Winged Broom Pea Jacksonia scoparia (Page 12)
Leaves are apparently absent on older plants, but might be present on saplings. Branchlets are typically dark greyish green, flat-sided, ribbed or flanged (winged).
Wild Cherry
Wild Cherry Exocarpos cupressiformis (Page 12)
Tiny scale-like leaves (alternate) are roughly triangular in shape and less than 1mm long. Branchlets are mid to dark green in colour and show a ribbed surface.
River She-oak
River She-oak Casuarina cunninghamiana (Page 9)
Branchlets are up to 30cm long with tiny scale-like leaves up to 5mm long appearing in whorls of 8 - 10 at internodes, spaced less than 1cm apart.
Beach Casuarina
Beach Casuarina Casuarina equisetifolia (Page 1)
Pointed teeth-like leaves are minute, less than 1mm long and arranged in a whorl of 7 or 8 at internodes.
Swamp Oak
Swamp Oak Casuarina glauca (Page 10)
Whorl of 12 to 16 sharply pointed teeth-like leaves less than 1mm long. Internodes are spaced up to 15mm apart towards the base of branchlets and decrease in length towards the tip.
Forest Oak
Forest Oak Allocasuarina torulosa (Page 6)
Minute scale-like leaves are less than 1mm long and appear in whorls of four (sometimes 5) at internodes less than 1cm apart.
Black She-oak
Black She-oak Allocasuarina littoralis (Page 1)
The minute tooth-like leaves appear in a whorl of 6 to 8, at internodes (articles) up to 10mm apart.The thin and grooved branchlets measure only 1mm in diameter.
Shrubby She-oak
Shrubby She-oak Allocasuarina rupicola (Page 9)
Mostly 8 (sometimes only 7) teeth-like leaves emerge in a whorl formation and are triangular in shape and about 5mm long. Articles, the portions of the branchlet between whorls of leaves, are up to 1cm long.

1.2 Simple Leaves with an alternate arrangement (up to 7cm long) (Back)

1.2.A Go to: Simple leaves (alternate; up to 7cm) with entire (smooth) margins

1.2.C Go to: Simple leaves (alternate; up to 7cm) with serrated (sharp toothed) margins

1.2.D Go to: Simple leaves (alternate; up to 7cm) with crenate (rounded toothed) margins

1.2.A Simple leaves (alternate up to 7cm) with entire margins (Back)

1.2.A.1 Leaves scented when crushed

White Dogwood
White Dogwood Ozothamnus diosmifolius (Page 12)
Leaves (alternate, spiral); less than 20mm long, linear in shape with entire (in-rolled) margins, dark green and scabrous (rough) on top, whitish and densely hairy beneath. Leaves emit a pungent odour when crushed.
Wild May
Wild May Kunzea flavescens (Page 12)
Leaves (alternate; spiral); less than 10mm long, broadly reverse lance-shaped with entire margins, hairless on top, finely hairy beneath, scented, rather thick and strong in texture.
Coastal Tea Tree
Coastal Tea Tree Leptospermum laevigatum (Page 3)
Leaves (alternate); up to 25mm long, mostly oblanceolate (reverse lance-shaped) with entire margins, hairless, grey-green, rather dull on both surfaces and firm in texture.
Weeping Tea-tree
Weeping Tea-tree Leptospermum brachyandrum (Page 12)
Leaves (alternate); up to 5cm long, linear to narrow lanceolate (lance-shaped) with entire margins, hairless when mature, scented when crushed and firm.
White's Tea-Tree
White's Tea-Tree Leptospermum whitei (Page 12)
Leaves (alternate); up to 3cm long, elliptic in shape with entire margins, hairless, dark green, rather dull on top, thick and stiff in texture. Young stems covered in short fine hair.
White's Tea-Tree
'Tea-Tree' Leptospermum gregarium (Page 11)
Leaves (alternate); up to 10mm long, egg-shaped or broadly lance-shaped with entire margins, finely silky hairy, firm and thick. Young stems covered in short fine hair.
Swamp Paperbark
Swamp Paperbark Melaleuca ericifolia (Page 10)
Leaves (alternate); are up to 18mm long and only up to 2mm wide, linear in shape with entire margins, hairless, the same dark green colour on both surfaces, strong and rather rigid..
Weeping Paperbark
Weeping Paperbark Melaleuca irbyana (Page 12)
Leaves( alternate; spiral) arrangement; up to 4mm long, mostly elliptic in shape with entire margins, hairless, strong, rigid and terminate in a sharp tip. A leaf stalk is absent (sessile).
Black Tea-Tree
Black Tea-Tree Melaleuca bracteata (Page 1)
Simple leaves; up to 2.5cm long, lanceolate (lance-shaped) with entire margins, hairless (when mature), firm in texture and scented when crushed.
Tea Tree
Tea Tree Melaleuca alternifolia (Page 11)
Leaves (alternate or in irregular whorls); up to 3cm long, narrow linear in shape with entire margins, dark green, hairless when mature, strongly scented when crushed, thin and soft.
Willi Willi Laurel
Willi Willi Laurel Cryptocarya williwilliana (Page 12)
Leaves (alternate); mostly less than 3cm long, broadly elliptic or ovate with entire margins, dark green glossy on top, paler beneath, hairless and finely rough in texture due to a raised network of fine veins (reticulate).
Thick-leaved Laurel
Thick-leaved Laurel Cryptocarya meissneriana (Page 11)
Leaves (alternate); up to 7cm long, mostly elliptic or sometimes lance-shaped with entire or broadly undulating (wavy) margins, hairless, glossy on top and beneath, fairly thick and smooth.
Australian Round Lime
Australian Round Lime Citrus australis (Page 1)
Leaves; up to 5cm long, reverse egg-shaped or broadly elliptic with entire margins, hairless and emit a strong citrus scent when crushed. Spines present.

1.2.A.2 Leaves not scented and hairless

Fuchsia Heath
Fuchsia Heath Epacris longiflora (Page 6)
Leaves (alternate); up to 15mm long, broadly ovate in shape with entire margins, dark green on both surfaces, stiff and terminate in a sharp, prickly tip.
Small-leaved Spurge
Small-leaved Spurge Phyllanthus microcladus (Page 10)
Leaves in clusters of 5 to 6, mostly alternate. They are; up to 15mm long, reverse egg-shaped or reverse lance-shaped with entire margins and a whitish, pale green underside. Leaves are borne on stems, branches and twigs over the whole shrub..
Gunn's Phyllanthus
Gunn's Phyllanthus Phyllanthus Gunnii (Page 6)
Leaves (alternate; 2-ranked); up to 20mm long, varied in shape from bovate or broad elliptic to nearly rounded with entire margins, dark green and dull above, paler grey green beneath, hairless, thin and soft.
Coffee Bush
Coffee Bush Breynia oblongifolia (Page 3)
Leaves (alternate; 2-ranked); up to 3cm long, ovate (egg-shaped) with entire margins, hairless, dark green on top, paler green beneath, relatively thin and soft.
Heath Milkwort
Heath Milkwort Comesperma ericinum (Page 7)
Leaves (alternate; spiral); up to 25mm long, varied in shape from oblong to linear with entire in-rolled margins, dark green on top, paler green beneath, firm and rigid.
Tree Broom-heath
Tree Broom-heath Monotoca elliptica (Page 11)
Leaves (alternate); up to 25mm long, elliptic to reverse lance-shaped with entire margins, dark green above, lighter grey/green beneath, hairless, strong and smooth. Leaf apex with a small sharp tip.
Bunya Pine
Bunya Pine Araucaria bidwillii (Page 2)
Leaves; up to 5cm long, lance-shaped with entire margins and a sharp spiny tip, glossy, hairless, thick and rigid in texture.
Hoop Pine
Hoop Pine Araucaria cunninghamii (Page 7)
Leaves (mature trees); up to 8mm long, curved dagger-like in shape with entire margins, hairless, dark green and stiff. Leaves (young trees); up to 20mm long, very closely spaced, oblong sheaf-like in shape with entire margins.
Narrow-leaved Orange Thorn
Narrow-leaved Orange Thorn Pittosporum lancifolium (Page 8)
Leaves; up to 5cm long, lance-shaped or elliptic with entire margins, hairless, dark green, semi-glossy on top, pale green beneath, relatively thin but firm. Spines present.
Coast Beard Heath
Coast Beard Heath Leucopogon parviflorus (Page 3)
Leaves (alternate); up 3cm long, oblanceolate (reverse lance-shaped) with entire margins, hairless, rather thick and strong. Branchlets clothed in very fine, whitish hair.
Narrow-leaved Geebung
Narrow-leaved Geebung Persoonia virgata (Page 8)
Leaves (when mature); up to 5cm long, narrow linear in shape, hairless (mature), dark green, semi-glossy on top, paler green beneath, strong and somewhat rigid.
Geebung species
Geebung (species) Persoonia rufa (Page 6)
Leaves; up to 7cm long, elliptical or narrow lanceolate (lance-shaped) with entire (in-rolled) margins, sparsely hairy or hairless when mature, dark green on top, yellowish green beneath, thick and firm.

1.2.A.3 Leaves not scented and partly or fully hairy

Black Plum
Black Plum Diospyros australis (Page 1)
Leaves; up to 7cm long, elliptic to lanceolate in shape with entire margins, dull yellowish green and sparsely hairy beneath, firm and strong in texture.
Brush Wedding Bush
Brush Wedding Bush Ricinocarpos speciosus (Page 2)
Leaves; mostly up to 7cm long, mainly oblong in shape with entire (in-rolled) margins, dark green and nearly hairless on top when fully mature, densely hairy beneath.
Brisbane Golden Wattle
Brisbane Golden Wattle Acacia fimbriata (Page 2)
Phyllodes (leaves); less than 7cm long, linear in shape with margins that are fringed by very fine silvery white hair. A small gland is visible about 5mm above the base.
Rusty Pods
Rusty Pods Hovea longifolia (Page 9)
Leaves (alternate); up to 7cm long, oblong in shape with entire in-rolled margins, not more than 6mm wide, glossy, hairless on upper surface, short woolly hairy beneath, strong and rather stiff.
Hovea acutifolia
Hovea Hovea acutifolia (Page 7)
Leaves; up to 7cm long, mostly narrow elliptic in shape with entire margins, dark green and nearly hairless on top, shortly grey hairy beneath and firm in texture.
Grey Spider Flower
Grey Spider Flower Grevillea buxifolia (Page 6)
Leaves; up to 3cm long, vary in shape from elliptic to ovate and occasionally linear (as shown) with entire in-rolled margins, dark green on top, whitish hairy beneath, strong and rigid.
Furry Nightshade
Furry Nightshade Solanum hapalum (Page 6)
Leaves; up to 7cm long, ovate (egg-shaped) with entire margins, green with a grey hue on top, grey to yellowish green beneath, densely hairy on both surfaces and softly furry.
Long-leaved Bitter Bark
Long-leaved Bitter Bark Petalostigma triloculare (Page 7) Leaves; up to 7cm long, elliptic in shape with entire margins, medium glossy on upper surface, grey green beneath, underside of leaves are covered in fine whitish hair.

B. Undulating (wavy) margins: No entries

1.2.C Simple leaves (alternate; up to 7cm) with serrated (sharply toothed) margins (Back)

Antarctic Beech
Antarctic Beech Nothofagus moorei (Page1)
Leaves; up to 6cm long (10cm or more on saplings and coppice shoots), mostly ovate in shape with finely toothed margins, hairless, thick and stiff in texture.
Black Olive Berry
Black Olive Berry Elaeocarpus holopetalus (Page 1)
Simple leaves; up to 7cm long, oblong to more reverse-lance-shaped with sharply toothed margins, yellowish green beneath, densely hairy, strong and stiff in texture.

1.2.D Simple leaves (alternate; up to 7cm) with crenate (rounded toothed) margins (Back)

Australian Finger Lime
Australian Finger Lime Citrus australasica (Page1)
Leaves up to 5cm long, reverse egg-shaped, broadly reverse lance-shaped or elliptic with margins that are crenate (rounded teeth) towards the apex, hairless, dark green, glossy above, thick, fleshy and lime scented when crushed. Spines present.
Needle Shaggy Pea
Needle Shaggy Pea Podolobium aciculiferum (Page 8)
Leaves vary from an alternate to an opposite arrangement. They are; up to 2.5cm long (including needle tip), broadly lance-shaped or ovate with fine crenate margins, hairless on top, paler green, sparsely hairy beneath, strong, stiff and slightly rough.
Phillip Island Hibiscus
Phillip Island Hibiscus Hibiscus insularis (Page 8)
Leaves: only up to 5cm long, ovate (egg-shaped) with crenate to shallow lobed margins, glossy dark green on top, dull pale green beneath, hairless and soft.

E. Lobed (deeply indented) margins: no entries

1.3 Simple Leaves with an opposite arrangement (up to 7cm long) (Back)

1.3.C Go to: Simple leaves (opposite; up to 7cm) with serrated (sharp toothed) margins

1.3.A Simple leaves (opposite; up to 7cm) with entire (smooth) margins (Back)

Camphor-scented Baeckea
Camphor-scented Baeckea Triplarina volcanica (Page 3)
Leaves; up to 7mm long, oblanceolate (reverse lance-shaped) with entire margins, hairless, dull, dark green on both sides, thick and scented when crushed.
Grey Myrtle
Grey Myrtle Backhousia myrtifolia (Page 6)
Leaves; up to 6cm long, broad elliptic to ovate in shape with entire and slightly incurved margins, hairless on top, paler beneath (hairy when immature), thin but firm and scented when crushed.
Rose Myrtle
Rose Myrtle Archirhodomyrtus beckleri (Page 9)
Leaves (opposite); between 2 to 5cm long, varied in shape from broad elliptic to reverse egg-shaped with entire margins, glossy, dark green, paler beneath, hairless, thin and soft, scented when crushed.
Silky Myrtle
Silky Myrtle Decaspermum humile (Page 9)
Leaves (opposite); up to 7cm long, broadly ovate in shape with entire (in-rolled) margins, dark green, glossy on top, paler green, glossy beneath, hairless, smooth and soft.
Scaly Myrtle
Scaly Myrtle Gossia hillii (Page 9)
Leaves (opposite): up to 6cm long, elliptical with entire margins, hairless, dark green, very glossy on top, paler green and duller beneath, smooth and firm.
Sweet Myrtle
Sweet Myrtle Gossia fragrantissima (Page 10)
Leaves (opposite): up to 5cm long, elliptic or broadly lance-shaped with entire margins, hairless, dark green and glossy when mature, reddish when young, smooth and not scented when crushed.
Mountain Malletwood
Mountain Malletwood Uromyrtus metrosideros (Page 7)
Leaves; up to 4cm long, ovate (egg-shaped) with entire margins, dark green on top, covered in a whitish waxy film beneath (more evident on young leaves), smooth, thick and firm.
Northern White Lilly Pilly
Northern White Lilly Pilly Acronychia laevis (Page 8)
Leaves (opposite or slightly offset); up to 7cm long, mostly obovate (reverse egg-shaped) with entire margins, hairless, very glossy on both surfaces, smooth, firm in texture and scented when crushed.
Small-leaved Plum Myrtle
Small-leaved Plum Myrtle Pilidiostigma rhytispermum (Page 10)
Leaves (opposite); up to 5cm long, elliptic to reverse egg-shaped with entire margins, hairy when young, mainly hairless when mature, mid-green, rather dull on top, lighter green beneath, smooth and leathery.
Tall Rice Flower
Tall Rice Flower Pimelea ligustrina subsp. hypericina (Page 11) Leaves (evenly spaced opposite arrangement); up to 7cm long, mostly oblanceolate (reverse lance-shaped) with entire margins, hairless (mature), dark green above, whitish-green below, rather thick with a soft texture.
Strychnine Tree
Strychnine Tree Strychnos arborea (Page 10)
Leaves (opposite); up to 6cm long, varied in shape, ranging from ovate (egg-shaped) to broad elliptic with entire margins, medium glossy, smooth, pale green beneath with very fine hair on mid vein.
Prickly Currant Bush
Prickly Currant Bush Coprosma quadrifida (Page 8)
Leaves (opposite); from 2 to 10mm long, varied in shape, broadly elliptic or ovate with entire margins, dull green on top, paler beneath, rather thick and strong. Growing tips of lateral branches stiff and sharp.
Narrow-leaved Honey Myrtle
Narrow-leaved Honey Myrtle Melaleuca trichostachya (Page 8)
Leaves (mostly opposite); up to 3cm long, usually linear in shape with entire margins, hairless, the same colour on both surfaces (concolorous), rather rigid and scented when crushed.
Flax-leaved Paperbark
Flax-leaved Paperbark Melaleuca linariifolia (Page 5)
Leaves; up to 6cm long, varied in arrangement (sometimes alternate), narrow elliptic, narrow oblanceolate or linear with entire margins, hairless, firm to stiff and scented when crushed.
Brush Cherry
Brush Cherry Syzygium australe (Page 10)
Leaves (opposite); up to 7cm long, varied in shape from reverse egg-shaped to elliptic with entire margins, hairless, dark green, glossy on top, lighter green and shiny below, strong and firm.
Lilly Pilly
Lilly Pilly Syzygium smithii (Page 10)
Leaves (opposite); from 1 to 5cm long, obovate (reverse egg-shaped) to broadly oblanceolate (reverse lance-shaped) with entire margins, hairless, semi glossy or dull, firm and smooth.
Riberry Syzygium luehmannii (Page 10)
Leaves (opposite); up to 6cm long, obovate or broadly lance-shaped with entire and slightly incurved margins, dark green and very glossy on top, paler but also shiny beneath, hairless, smooth and rather firm.

1.3.B Simple leaves (opposite; up to 7cm) with undulating (wavy) margins: no entries

1.3.C Simple leaves (opposite; up to 7cm) with serrated (sharply toothed) margins (Back)

Cut-leaved Mint Bush
Cut-leaved Mint Bush Prostanthera incisa (Page 3)
Leaves; up to 4cm long, lanceolate (lance-shaped) or more ovate with irregular toothed margins (up to 4 teeth on each side), hairless, soft in texture and strong mint/menthol like scent when crushed.
Blue Mint Bush
Blue Mint Bush Prostanthera caerulea (Page 1)
Leaves; up to 6cm long, varied from lanceolate (lance-shaped) to elliptic or narrow ovate with toothed margins, mostly hairless, soft in texture and mildly scented.
Black Olive Berry
Southern Sassafras Atherosperma moschatum (Page 10)
Leaves are; up to 7cm long, elliptic to lance-shaped, light green on top, paler beneath and sometimes whitish due to a covering of fine hair. There are variations in leaf margins, from irregular and sharply toothed to nearly entire.

1.4 Simple Leaves in a whorl arrangement (up to 7cm long) (Back)

1.4.A Entire (smooth) margins:

Chain Fruit
Chain Fruit Alyxia ruscifolia (Page 3)
Leaves are; up to 7cm long, mostly ovate with entire margins, stiff and slightly rough. Leaves in a whorl arrangement of up to 6 (mostly 4), exude a white sap.
Lance Beard Heath
Lance Beard Heath Leucopogon affinis (Page 7)
Simple leaves emerge in a whorl and change to alternate arrangement thereafter. They are; up to 5cm long, more elliptical than lance-shaped with entire margins, hairless, the same colour green on both surfaces (concolorous), strong and firm.
Penda Xanthostemon verticillatus (Page 8)
3 to 5 leaves arranged in a whorl. Simple leaves are; up to 6cm long, mostly elliptical in shape with entire margins, hairless, dark green when mature, paler green beneath, relatively thick and somewhat leathery.
Tree-Heath Trochocarpa laurina (Page 11)
Whorl of three or four leaves around the growing bud, turning alternate thereafter. Leaves; up to 7cm long, elliptic in shape with entire margins, hairless, smooth, firm and rather stiff.
Tall Shaggy Pea
Tall Shaggy Pea Oxylobium arborescens (Page 11)
Leaves appear in whorls of 3's or are oppositely arranged on new growth. They are; oblong or narrowly elliptic with entire and strongly in-rolled margins, hairless on top (when mature), finely hairy beneath, thick and strong.
Coastal Rosemary
Coastal Rosemary Westringia fruticosa x eremicola (Page 3)
Leaves appear in whorls of 4, as is the case for W.fruticosa. Leaves of W.eremicola are arranged in a whorl of only 3, up to 2cm long and linear to more narrow elliptic.
Norfolk Island Pine
Norfolk Island Pine Araucaria heterophylla (Page 8)
Leaves of mature trees are arranged in a whorl formation. They are; up to 10mm long, curved claw-like in shape, hard and prickly to touch.

1.5 Compound (composite) leaf with leaflets (up to 7cm long) (Back)

1.5.1 Bifoliolate (mostly 2 leaflets only) (Back)

1.5.1.A Entire (smooth) margins:

Small-leaved Coogera
Small-leaved Coogera Arytera microphylla (Page 10)
Compound leaves consist of 2 leaflets (bifoliolate), which are; up to 5cm long, mostly broad elliptic in shape with entire margins, dark green when mature, hairless, firm and strong.
Small-leaved Coogera
White Bauhinia Bauhinia hookeri (Page 12)
Compound leaves consist of 2 stalkless (sessile) leaflets, which are; up to 5cm long, asymmetric with entire margins, hairless, relatively thin and soft.

1.5.2 Trifoliolate (mostly 3 leaflets only) (up to 7cm long) (Back)

1.5.2.A Entire (smooth) margins:

Golden Tip
Golden Tip Goodia lotifolia var. pubescence (Page 6)
(Pinnately) Trifoliolate compound leaves are characteristic, but can be reduced to a single lamina (leaf blade) up to 6cm long. Leaflets are considerably smaller, only up to 3cm long, broadly oblong or egg-shaped with entire margins, thin and soft.
Golden Tip
Sandfly Zieria Zieria smithii (Page 9)
Trifoliolate compound leaves are; up to 5cm long, elliptical, oblong or lance-shaped with entire in-rolled margins, dark green, mostly hairless on the upper surface, paler green and hairy (on centre vein) below, strongly scented when crushed.

1.5.3 Pinnate Compound Leaves (more than 3 leaflets) (up to 7cm long) (Back)

1.5.3.A Leaflets (pinnate; up to 7cm) with entire (smooth) margins:

Australian Indigo
Australian Indigo Indigofera australis (Page1)
Pinnate compound leaves consist of 7 to more than 19 leaflets, which are; 2 to 4cm long, mostly elliptic in shape, dark bluish green in colour, thin with a smooth texture.
Cassia Senna acclinis (Page 3)
Pinnate compound leaves with up to 14 leaflets, which are; up to 5cm long, mostly elliptic in shape with entire margins, mostly hairless, thin and soft. A stalked gland (inset) is visible.
Yellow Shower
Yellow Shower Cassia queenslandica (Page 12)
Pinnate compound leaves with up to 10 (sometimes 12) leaflets, which are; up to 6cm long, elliptic or more oblong in shape with entire margins, hairless, glossy, smooth and leathery.
Yellow Necklacepod
Yellow Necklacepod Sophora tomentosa (Page 12)
Pinnate compound leaves consist of up to 19 leaflets (a terminal leaflet is always present). Leaflets are; up to 6cm long, egg-shaped or broadly elliptic with entire margins, dark green above (when mature), greyish green and silvery hairy beneath, smooth and soft.
Wedge-leaved Tuckeroo
Wedge-leaved Tuckeroo Cupaniopsis wadsworthii (Page 12)
Pinnate compound leaves (mature specimens) consist of 2 to 4 leaflets, which are; up to 7cm long, wedge shaped with entire margins, glossy, medium thick and firm. Small domatia are visible along midvein.
Hop Bush
Hop Bush species Dodonaea megazyga (Page 7)
Pinnate compound leaves with more than 20 leaflets, which are; up to 3cm long, lance-shaped with entire margins, hairless, dark green, dull on top, paler green beneath and rather strong. Prominent winged rachis.

1.5.3.B Leaflets (pinnate; up to 7cm) with undulating (wavy) margins:

Brush Teak
Brush Teak Toechima tenax (Page 2)
Pinnate compound leaf with 4 to 6 leaflets, which are; up to 6cm long, mainly elliptic with undulating margins, hairless, glossy on both sides, fairly thin but firm . Domatia along the mid vein.

1.5.3.C Leaflets (pinnate; up to 7cm) with serrated (sharply toothed) margins:

Foambark Tree
Foambark Tree Jagera pseudorhus (Page 6)
Pinnate (or bipinnate) compound leaves consist of up to 20 leaflets, which are; up to 7cm long, lance-shaped or more elliptic with toothed margins, soft and hairy on both surfaces.

D. Crenate (rounded toothed) margins: no entries

1.5.3.E Leaflets (pinnate; up to 7cm) with lobed (deeply indented) margins:

Silky Oak
Silky Oak Grevillea robusta (Page 6)
Pinnate compound leaves with more than 30 leaflets. Leaflets are; deeply lobed (pinnatisect); terminal segments (lobes) up to 5cm long, mostly elliptic, underside covered in fine hair.
Wild Parsley
Wild Parsley Lomatia silaifolia (Page 12)
Pinnate compound leaves feature between 7 and 11 leaflets, which are; up to 7cm long, elliptic or lance-shaped with deeply lobed (up to 5 lobes) and toothed or just irregular toothed margins, mostly hairless and thin but firm.

1.5.4 Bipinnate Compound Leaves (more than 3 leaflets) (Up to 7cm long) (Back)

1.5.4.A Leaflets (bipinnate; up to 7cm) with entire (smooth) margins:

Black Wattle
Black Wattle Acacia decurrens (Page 1)
Bipinnate compound leaves with pinnules (leaflets); up to 15mm long, linear in shape, dark green on both sides, hairless and stiff in texture. Glands (red circle).
Feather Wattle
Feather Wattle Acacia o'shanesii (Page 5)
Bipinnate compound leaves feature up to 17 pairs of pinnea per leaf, which hold more than 50 leaflets each. Leaflets are oblong in shape with a rounded apex and 3 to 4mm long.
Green Wattle
Green Wattle Acacia irrorata (Page 6) The bipinnate compound leaf features leaflets (pinnules); up to 20mm long, oblong in shape, thick and firm. Conspicuous jugary glands and can be pale yellow to bright red.
Newry Golden Wattle
Newry Golden Wattle Acacia chrysotricha (Page 8)
Bipinnate compound leaves feature up to 15 pinnae (branches) holding more than 20 leaflets each, which are; very small only up to 4mm long, oblong in shape, soft and finely hairy.
Red Sandalwood
Red Sandalwood Adenanthera pavonina (Page 9)
Bipinnate compound leaves with up to 6 pairs of pinnae, each holding up to 15 leaflets, which are: between 2 to 4cm long, mostly oblong in shape with entire margins, hairless when mature, pale green beneath, thin and soft.

1.5.4.B Leaflets (bipinnate; up to 7cm) with undulating (wavy) margins:

Pink Laceflower Tree
Pink Laceflower Tree Archidendron grandiflorum (Page 8)
Bipinnate compound leaves can feature up to 3 pairs of pinnea with 4 to 8 leaflets, which are; up to 7cm long (sometimes longer), elliptic, broadly lance-shaped to ovate in shape with entire broadly undulating margins, mostly hairless, thin, papery but strong.

1.5.4.C Leaflets (bipinnate; up to 7cm) with serrated (sharply toothed) margins:

White Cedar
White Cedar Melia azedarach (Page 12)
Bipinnate (twice divided) compound leaves (sometimes tripinnate) can consist of more than 70 leaflets. They are; up to 5cm long, egg-shaped with toothed to nearly entire margins, mostly hairless when mature and relatively thin.

1.5.5 Palmate Compound Leaves (more than 3 leaflets) (up to 7cm long) (Back)

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Key Information: Leaf/leaflet length measurements used in this tree identification key are;
Average dimensions of larger leaves/leaflets of mature trees or shrubs, which have been measured excluding the stalk.
If your lamina (blade) measurements fall into the border regions of major leaf length categories, check listings in both relevant groups. Select thumbnails to view full size leaf images (opens new browser window). Select Page links to view the relevant web page and locate tree identification images and description listed under the common name in alphabetical order. See the Leaf Characteristics Page for comprehensive information on how to identify native tree species by leaf features.

2.1 Simple Leaves with an alternate arrangement (7 to 14cm long) (Back)

2.1.A Go to: Simple leaves (alternate 7-14cm) with entire margins

2.1.B Go to: Simple leaves (alternate 7-14cm) with undulating (wavy) margins

2.1.C Go to: Simple leaves (alternate 7-14cm) with serrated (sharp toothed) margins

2.1.D Go to: Simple leaves (alternate 7-14cm) with crenate (rounded toothed) margins

2.1.E Go to: Simple leaves (alternate 7-14cm) with lobed (indented) margins

2.1.A Simple leaves (alternate; 7-14cm) with entire margins (Back)

Leaves hairless (when mature):

Black Apple
Black Apple Planchonella australis (Page 1)
Leaves (alternate); up to 14cm long, reverse lance-shaped to narrow obovate (reverse egg-shaped) with entire margins, hairless, shiny, rather thick with a firm and smooth texture, exude a little white sap.
BYellow Plumwood
Yellow Plumwood Planchonella myrsinifolia (Page 12)
Leaves (alternate); up to 10cm long, elliptic or reverse-lance-shaped with entire margins, dark green with a satin sheen on top, paler underneath, medium thick, strong, somewhat leathery and mostly hairless.
Variable Muttonwood
Variable Muttonwood Myrsine variabilis (Page 11)
Leaves (alternate); up to 9cm long, broadly reverse lance-shaped to with mostly entire margins (toothed on saplings), hairless (mature), very glossy on their upper surface, thick and firm.
Bolwarra Eupomatia laurina (Page 2)
Leaves (alternate); up to 12cm long, oblong or reverse lance-shaped with entire margins, very glossy on both surfaces, fairly soft, smooth and hairless. Zigzag shaped twigs.
Casearia Casearia multinervosa (Page 3)
Leaves (alternate); up to 10cm long, mostly elliptic in shape with entire margins, hairless, very similar green on both surfaces. Zig-zag shaped twigs.
Silver Birch
Silver Birch Casearia dallachii (Page 9)
Leaves (alternate); up to 12cm long, mostly broadly oblong in shape with entire margins, hairless, dark green on top, paler green beneath, strong and smooth. Zigzag shaped twigs.
Grey Plum
Grey Plum Diospyros pentamera (Page 6)
Leaves (alternate); up to 9cm long, elliptical with entire margins, hairless when mature, dull, dark green on top, paler green with a greyish hue beneath and somewhat leathery. Twigs zigzag.
Broad-leaved Paperbark
Broad-leaved Paperbark Melaleuca quinquenervia (Page 2)
Leaves (alternate); up to 9cm long, mostly elliptic in shape with entire margins, firm and quite leathery in texture, hairless and emit a strong scent when crushed.
Brown Pine
Brown Pine Podocarpus elatus (Page 2)
Leaves (alternate); from 5 to more than 14cm long, narrowly lance-shaped (lanceolate) or oblong with entire margins, hairless, dark green, shiny on top, pale green beneath, rather thick and stiff.
Brown Pearwood
Brown Pearwood Amorphospermum antilogum (Page 2)
Leaves (alternate); up to 12cm long, elliptical or reverse lance-shaped, hairless when mature (young leaves rusty brown hairy), dark green and leathery in texture. Leafstalk exudes a milky sap when broken.
Brush Caper Berry
Brush Caper Berry Capparis arborea (Page 2)
Leaves (alternate); up to 12cm long, ovate to broad elliptic in shape with entire and slightly in-rolled margins, hairless, firm and smooth in texture. Spines on branches and trunks.
Guilfoylia Guilfoylia monostylis (Page 6)
Leaves (alternate); up to 13cm long, elliptic to oblong in shape with entire margins, smooth, hairless and firm leathery. Domatia along the mid vein on the lower leaf surface.
Brush Ironbark
Brush Ironbark Bridelia exaltata (Page 2)
Leaves (alternate); up to 14cm long, ovate to oblong in shape with entire margins, fairly thin, smooth, hairless, dark green, glossy on top and pale greyish green on their lower surface.
Cheese Tree
Cheese Tree Glochidion ferdinandi (Page 3)
Leaves (mature trees, alternate); up to 10cm long (considerably longer on saplings), elliptic to oblong with entire margins, hairless, glossy on top, smooth and soft.
Corkwood Duboisia myoporoides (Page 3)
Leaves (alternate); up to 13cm long, elliptic or reverse lance-shaped with wavy margins, greyish dull green, hairless and soft. Venation is only faintly visible.
Long-leaved Wax Flower
Long-leaved Wax Flower Philotheca myoporoides (Page 7)
Leaves; up to 11cm long (often shorter), varied in shape, oblong, elliptic or reverse lance-shaped with entire margins, hairless, covered in tiny glands, leathery and scented when crushed.
Grease Nut Tree
Grease Nut Tree Hernandia bivalvis (Page 6)
Leaves (alternate); up to 10cm long, ovate (egg-shaped) with entire (in-rolled) margins, hairless, dark green, glossy on top, strong and fairly stiff in texture.
Queensland Bottle Tree
Queensland Bottle Tree Brachychiton rupestris (Page 8)
Leaves (alternate); up to 10cm long, lanceolate (lance-shaped) with entire margins, dark green, glossy on top, paler beneath, hairless, smooth and leathery.
Australian Almond
Australian Almond Terminalia muelleri (Page 1)
Leaves; up to 12cm long, obovate in shape with entire margins, hairless, dark green on top, paler green beneath, rather dull, strong and firm in texture.
Currant Tree
Currant Tree Antidesma bunius (Page 3)
Leaves; up to 14cm long, broadly elliptic or more obovate (reverse egg-shaped) with entire margins, dark green, hairless on top, paler green beneath and leathery.
Rusty Cleistanthus
Rusty Cleistanthus Cleistanthus semiopacus (Page 9)
Leaves; up to 13cm long, ovate (egg-shaped) with entire margins, hairless when mature, dark green on top, paler beneath and firm.
Large-leaf Hop Bush
Large-leaf Hop Bush Dodonaea triquetra (Page 7) Leaves; up to 12cm long, elliptic in shape with entire margins, hairless, dark green, dull on top, paler green beneath and soft in texture.
Water Gum
Water Gum Tristaniopsis laurina (Page 12)
Leaves (alternate); up to 14cm long, oblanceolate (reverse lance-shaped) with entire margins, hairless, dark green on top, paler green beneath, firm and leathery.
Willow-leaved Hakea
Willow-leaved Hakea Hakea saliciifolia (Page 12)
Leaves (alternate); up to 12cm long, narrow elliptic to narrowly lance-shaped with entire margins, hairless, mid green and rather dull above, slightly paler beneath, smooth and firm to stiff.
Satinwood Nematolepis squamea ssp. squamea (Page 9)
Leaves (alternate); up to 10cm long, mostly long and narrow elliptic in shape with entire margins, dark green on top, covered in silver-white scales beneath and rather soft.
Queensland Pyramid Tree Lagunaria queenslandica (Page 8)
Leaves (alternate); up to 11cm long, mostly +/- broadly lance-shaped with entire margins, hairless, pale grey to cream-coloured beneath, leathery and finely rough due to scales covering the lamina.

Leaves partly or fully hairy:

Hoary Daisy Bush
Hoary Daisy Bush Olearia elliptica (Page 7)
Leaves (alternate); up to 12cm long, mostly elliptic to oblong in shape with entire margins, hairless, dark green and glossy on top (when young), rather thin and soft.
Red Spider Flower
Red Spider Flower Grevillea oleoides (Page 6)
Leaves; up to 12cm long, varied in shape from linear to narrow obovate (reverse egg-shaped) with entire margins, mid-green and dull on top, grey green and finely hairy below with a firm texture.
Devil's Needle
Devil's Needle Solanum stelligerum (Page 3)
Leaves; up to 10cm long, lanceolate (lance-shaped) with mostly entire margins, mid green, dull and nearly hairless on top, pale yellow hairy beneath. Spines present.
Velvet Kerrawang
Velvet Kerrawang Commersonia salviifolia (Page 11)
Leaves (alternate); up to 12cm long, linear or narrowly lance-shaped with entire margins, greyish mid-green, sparsely hairy or smooth on top, paler and densely whitish hairy (tomentose) beneath, soft and velvety.
White Paper Daisy
White Paper Daisy Coronidium elatum (Page 12)
Leaves (alternate; spiral); up to 12cm long, elliptic or lance-shaped with entire or wavy margins, dull green, slightly hairy on top, whitish, woolly hairy beneath and very soft in texture.

Geebungs (Persoonia species) Leaves (alternate; 7-14cm) (Back)

Broad-leaved Geebung
Broad-leaved Geebung Persoonia levis (Page 2)
Leaves (alternate); up to 12cm long, varied in shape from broadly oblanceolate to elliptical with entire margins, hairless, firm and leathery in texture.
Tall Geebung
Tall Geebung Persoonia media (Page 11)
Leaves (alternate); up to 10cm long, mostly elliptic in shape with entire margins, hairless, medium glossy on top, lighter dull green beneath, fairly thin but firm.
Geebung species
Geebung (species) Persoonia stradbrokensis (Page 6)
Leaves (alternate); up to 10cm long, broadly elliptic, somewhat convex, nearly the same colour green on both surfaces, hairy when young, hairless when mature, smooth and firm.

Bottlebrushes (Callistemon species) Leaves (alternate; 7-14cm) (Back)

Crimson Bottlebrush
Crimson Bottlebrush Callistemon citrinus (Page 3)
Leaves (alternate); up to 8cm long, oblanceolate in shape with entire margins, same colour green on both surfaces (concolorous), hairless, lemon-scented when crushed, strong and rigid.
River Bottlebrush
River Bottlebrush Callistemon sieberi (Page 9)
Mature leaves (alternate); up to 9cm long, mostly narrow elliptic in shape (widest around the middle) with entire margins, dull grey green on both surfaces, hairless, strong and rigid.
Wallum Bottlebrush
Wallum Bottlebrush Callistemon pachyphyllus (Page 12)
Leaves (alternate); up to 12cm long, narrowly oblanceolate (reverse lance-shaped) with entire margins, dark green on top, similar or only slightly paler beneath, thick, firm in texture and terminate in fine tips.

Wattle Trees (Acacia species) Leaves (alternate; 7-14cm) (Back)

Blackwood Acacia melanoxylon (Page 1)
Leaves (phyllodes); up to 14cm long, narrow (reverse lance-shaped to elliptic with entire margins, hairless, fairly thin but firm in texture. Gland at base of blade.
Southern Salwood
Southern Salwood Acacia disparrima (Page 10)
Phyllodes (alternate); up to 12cm long, mostly sickle-shaped (falcate) with entire margins, greyish mid-green in colour, hairless, rather thick and strong. Gland at base of blade.
Two-veined Hickory
Two-veined Hickory Acacia binervata (Page 11)
Phyllodes (leaves) alternate; up to 12 cm long, irregular elliptic or lance-shaped with entire margins, dark green, dull on both surfaces, hairless, strong and slightly leathery. Obvious gland is present.
Narrow-leaved Wattle
Narrow-leaved Wattle Acaia linearifolia (Page 8)
Leaves (phyllodes); up to 14cm long, 15mm to 40mm wide, mostly straight or sometimes slightly curved, hairless, strong and stiff. Phyllode with offset tip (mucro) and swelling (gland) towards the blade base.

Laurels (Endiandra & Cryptocarya species) Leaves (alternate; 7-14cm) (Back)

Forest Maple
Forest Maple Cryptocarya rigida (Page 6)
Leaves (alternate); up to 13cm long, elliptic to reverse egg-shaped with entire margins, hairless on top, whitish grey, waxy and finely hairy beneath, rather firm, smooth and scented when crushed.
Pepperberry Cryptocarya obovata (Page 8)
Leaves (alternate); up to 12cm long, reverse egg-shaped with entire margins, dark green and hairless on top (when mature) paler green with a grey hue beneath and rusty brown hairy.
Three-veined Laurel
Three-veined LaurelCryptocarya triplinervis (Page 11)
Leaves (alternate); up to 10cm long, varied in shape from ovate over broadly elliptic to reverse egg-shaped with entire margins, dark green, semi-glossy on top, paler green, finely hairy beneath, thick and rather leathery.
Jackwood Cryptocarya glaucescens (Page 7)
Leaves (alternate); up to 12cm long, elliptic to oblong in shape with entire margins, hairless, underside of leaf with a grey waxy coating and darker blotches, especially after bruising and camphor-like scented when crushed.
Murrogun Cryptocarya microneura (Page 7)
Leaves (alternate); up to 12cm long, mostly elliptic in shape with entire margins, hairless, dark green glossy on top, paler, whitish green below, firm and slightly leathery.
Glossy Laurel
Glossy Laurel Cryptocarya laevigata (Page 6)
Leaves (alternate); up to 10cm long, mostly elliptic with entire margins, hairless, dark green and glossy on top, paler green and also glossy beneath, relatively thin but leathery, scented when crushed.
GHairy Walnut
Hairy Walnut Endiandra pubens (Page 7) Leaves (alternate); up to 14cm long, mostly elliptic but sometimes ovate in shape with entire margins, glossy upper surface with hair on veins only, underside densely covered in rusty brown hair.
Green-leaved Rose Walnut
Green-leaved Rose Walnut Endiandra muellerii subsp. muellerii (Page 6)
Leaves (alternate); up to 11cm long, elliptic to broad elliptic in shape with entire and sometimes undulating margins, hairless, dark green and semi glossy on top, smooth and leathery.
Dorrigo Maple
Dorrigo Maple Endiandra crassiflora (Page 3)
Leaves (alternate); up to 11cm long, mostly elliptic to slightly ovate or obovate (reverse egg-shaped) with entire margins, wrinkled, hairless, blotchy white-grey beneath and firm. Domatia present.
Pink Walnut
Pink Walnut Endiandra sieberi (Page 8)
Leaves (alternate, sometimes opposite); up to 10cm long, elliptic in shape with entire margins, mid green and shiny beneath, hairless, smooth and rather leathery.

Fig Trees (Ficus species) Leaves (alternate; 7-14cm) (Back)

Deciduous Fig
Deciduous Fig Ficus superba var. henneana (Page 5) Leaves (alternate); up to 12cm long, varied in shape from ovate to broadly reverse lance-shaped or elliptic with entire margins, hairless, dark green, glossy on top, thinner than most other strangling fig species. Sap white.
Rusty Fig
Rusty Fig Ficus rubiginosa (Page 5)
Leaves (alternate): up to 11cm long, ovate to broad elliptic with entire margins, dark green and glossy on top, pale green to rusty brown and hairy beneath, thick and leathery. Sap milky.
Sandpaper Fig
Sandpaper Fig Ficus fraseri (Page 5)
Leaves (alternate): up to 13cm long, broad elliptic to egg-shaped with entire margins (lobed on saplings), dark green, hairless with a rough sandpapery texture. Sap clear or milky (small amounts).
Small-fruited Fig
Small-fruited Fig Ficus microcarpa (Page 5)
Leaves (alternate): up to 10cm long, mostly obovate (reverse egg-shaped) with entire margins, dark green on top, light green beneath, hairless, smooth and fairly thick. Sap milky.
Small-leaved Fig
Small-leaved Fig Ficus obliqua (Page 5)
Leaves (alternate): up to 8cm long, broadly elliptic to obovate (reverse egg-shaped) with entire margins, firm, leathery, not as thick as many other fig tree species. Sap milky.
Weeping Fig
Weeping Fig Ficus benjamina (Page 5)
Leaves (alternate): up to 10cm long, elliptic to broadly lanceolate (lance-shaped) with entire margins, glossy dark green on top, smooth and relatively thin. Sap milky.

Eucalypts (Eucalpytus species) Leaves 7-14cm long (Back)

Coastal Ironbark
Coastal Ironbark Eucalyptus siderophloia (Page 4)
Adult leaves (alternate); up to 14cm long, lanceolate (lance-shaped) with entire margins, mid green on top, a lighter grey green beneath (discolorous), fairly thin, papery but strong in texture.
Tallowwood Eucalyptus microcorys (Page 4)
Adult leaves (alternate); up to 13cm long, lanceolate (lance-shaped) with rough entire margins, (discolorous), scented, relatively thin but strong in texture.
White Mahogany
White Mahogany Eucalyptus acmenoides (Page 4)
Adult leaves (alternate); up to 12cm long, lance-shaped with entire margins, dark green above, paler beneath (discolorous), relatively thin, but leathery in texture. Juvenile leaves (right) are broader.
Thin-leaved Stringybark
Thin-leaved Stringybark Eucalyptus eugenioides (Page 4)
Adult leaves (alternate); up to 13cm long, lance-shaped or falcate (sickle-shaped) with entire margins, glossy green on both surfaces (concolorous) and scented when crushed. The leaf base shape is asymmetric.

2.1.B Simple leaves (alternate 7-14cm) with undulating (wavy) margins (Back)

Banana Bush
Banana Bush Tabernaemontana pandacaqui (Page 1)
Leaves; exude a milky sap when broken, up to 12cm long, mostly oblanceolate with slightly incurved and undulating margins, hairless, soft and smooth in texture.

2.1.C Simple leaves (alternate 7-14cm) with serrated (toothed) margins (Back)

2.1.C.1 Leaves hairless

Pointed Boobialla
Pointed Boobialla Myoporum acuminatum (Page 8)
Leaves (alternate); up to 14cm long, elliptic or lance-shaped with finely toothed to nearly entire margins, hairless, dark green and glossy on top, only slightly paler green beneath and fairly soft.
Narrow-leaved Orangebark
Narrow-leaved Orangebark Maytenus silvestris (Page 8)
Leaves (alternate); up to 8cm long, narrow at less than 15mm wide, mostly lance-shaped with entire margins towards the base but often with a few sharp teeth towards the apex, dark green on top, hairless, rather thick and stiff.
Orangebark Maytenus bilocularis (Page 8)
Leaves (alternate); up to 8cm long, elliptic in shape with up to 7 prickly teeth on either side, glossy, dark green above, paler beneath, hairless, stiff and strong.
Native Cascarilla
Native Cascarilla Croton verreauxii (Page 8)
Leaves (alternate): up to 13cm long, lance-shaped or elliptic in shape with finely toothed margins, hairless, dark green, very glossy on top, soft and smooth. Stalked glands at base of blade.
Grey Handlewood
Grey Handlewood Aphananthe philippinensis (Page 6)
Leaves (alternate); up to 10cm long, mostly ovate (egg-shaped) with up to 6 sharp, spiny teeth along either side, hairless, rather glossy, stiff and tough.
Blueberry Ash
Blueberry Ash Elaeocarpus reticulatus (Page 1)
Leaves (alternate); up to 12cm long, elliptic or broadly oblanceolate (reverse lance-shaped) with regularly toothed margins, hairless, strong and firm in texture.
Koda Ehretia acuminata (Page 7)
Leaves (alternate); up to 12cm long, oblong or sometimes more elliptic in shape with fine serrated margins, hairless and smooth. Distinct venation is impressed on upper and raised on lower leaf surface.
Denhamia Denhamia celastroides (Page 3) Mature leaves (alternate); up to 12cm long, elliptic in shape with fine but often irregular toothed margins, hairless, dark green, glossy on top, thick and rather stiff.
2.1.C.2 Leaves partly or fully hairy

Creek Sandpaper Fig
Creek Sandpaper Fig Ficus coronata (Page 5)
Leaves (alternate); up to 13cm long, oblong or sometimes ovate (egg-shaped) with mostly finely toothed margins, hairy on the lower surface with a sandpaper-like texture. Clear sap.
'Kurrajong' Commersonia viscidula (Page 7)
Leaves (alternate); up to 11cm long, ovate with serrated margins, dark green, sparsely hairy on top (mature leaves), densely whitish and bristly hairy beneath, rather thin and soft.
Brown Kurrajong
Brown Kurrajong Commersonia bartramia (Page 2)
Leaves (alternate); mostly up to 14cm long, ovate (egg-shaped) with finely toothed to nearly entire (smooth) margins, normally hairless on top (mature leaves), pale and whitish hairy beneath, relatively thin and soft felt-like beneath.
Brush Kurrajong
Brush Kurrajong Commersonia fraseri (Page 2)
Leaves (alternate); mostly up to 14cm long (longer on young trees), ovate (egg-shaped) with irregular toothed margins or shallow lobes, dull, mid green on top, pale yellow or whitish hairy below with a felt-like texture.
Velvet Bush
Velvet Bush Lasiopetalum species (Page 11)
Leaves (alternate); up to 10cm long, ovate or broadly lance-shaped) with toothed margins, dark green and except for veins hairless on top, paler and densely rusty hairy beneath.
Poison Peach
Poison Peach Trema tomentosa var. viridis (Page 8)
Leaves (alternate); up to 9cm long, lanceolate or more ovate in shape with fine serrated margins, bristly hairy on both surfaces, thin, soft and rough.
Silver Leaf
Silver Leaf Argophyllum nullumense (Page 9) Leaves (alternate); up to 12cm long, elliptic or lance-shaped with widely spaced toothed margins, dark green, hairless on top, fine silvery hairy beneath, relatively thin and soft.
Hairpin Banksia
Hairpin Banksia Banksia spinulosa (Page 7)
Leaves (alternate); up to 10cm long, mostly narrow linear in shape with toothed margins that terminate in sharp spines hairless on top, densely covered in fine whitish hair beneath, strong and rigid.
Native Rosella
Native Rosella Hibiscus heterophyllus (Page 8)
Leaves (alternate); up to 13cm long, varied in shape from elliptic or lance-shaped with finely toothed margins to deeply three lobed, sparsely hairy, fairly firm and rough with a few small prickles.
Silky Lomatia
Silky Lomatia Lomatia fraseri (Page 9)
Leaves (alternate); up to 12cm long, elliptic or lance-shaped with very varied margins from shallow or deeply serrated to nearly entire and also deeply lobed (pinnatisect), hairless above, silky hairy beneath, strong and stiff.
Ipswich Daisy Bush
Ipswich Daisy Bush Olearia nernstii (Page 7)
Leaves (alternate); up to 11cm long, broadly lance-shaped or elliptic with broadly toothed margins, nearly hairless on top (when mature), densely woolly hairy beneath and soft.

Ipswich Daisy Bush
Musk Daisy Bush Olearia argophylla (Page 7)
Leaves (alternate); up to 14cm long, broadly elliptical or egg-shaped with toothed margins (sometimes nearly entire), hairless, dark green and dull on top, white or silvery felty hairy beneath.

2.1.D. Simple leaves (alternate 7-14cm) with crenate (rounded toothed) margins: (Back)

Eumundi Quandong
Eumundi Quandong Elaeocarpus eumundi (Page 3) Leaves; up to 13cm long, reverse lance-shaped or ovate (egg-shaped), hairless, dark green and glossy on upper surface when mature, paler green beneath, strong and firm.
Hard Quandong
Hard Quandong Elaeocarpus obovatus (Page 7)
Leaves; up to 9cm long, broadly reversed lance-shaped with crenate or toothed margins, hairless, dark green, glossy on top, paler green beneath and smooth. Domatia present.

2.1.E. Simple leaves (alternate; 7-14cm) with lobed (indented) margins: (Back)

Native Rosella
Native Rosella Hibiscus heterophyllus (Page 8)
Leaves (alternate); up to 13cm long, varied in shape from the deeply three lobed to being elliptic or lance-shaped with finely toothed margins, fairly firm and rough with a few small prickles.
Tall Nightshade
Tall Nightshade Solanum nobile (Page 11)
Leaves (alternate); up to 14cm long with deeply lobed margins, mid to dark green, semi glossy on top, paler more greyish green below, due to a cover of very short hair, thin and soft in texture.

2.2 Simple Leaves with an opposite arrangement (7 to 14cm long) (Back)

2.2.A Go to: Simple leaves (opposite 7-14cm) with entire (smooth) margins

2.2.B Go to: Simple leaves (opposite 7-14cm) with undulating (wavy) margins

2.2.C Go to: Simple leaves (opposite 7-14cm) with serrated (sharp toothed) margins

2.2.D Go to: Simple leaves (opposite 7-14cm) with crenate (rounded toothed) margins

2.2.A Simple leaves (opposite; 7-14cm) with entire margins (Back)

Kauri Pine
Kauri Pine Agathis robusta (Page 7)
Leaves (opposite); up to 12cm long, varied in shape from ovate to lance-shaped or elliptical with entire margins, dark green, glossy on top, pale green beneath, hairless, strong, thick and leathery.
Bull Kauri Pine
Bull Kauri Pine Agathis microstachya (Page 2)
Leaves; up to 9cm long, elliptic or more lanceolate (lance-shaped) with entire margins, dark green on top, paler green beneath, hairless and very firm.
Beach Acronychia
Beach Acronychia Acronychia imperforata (Page 1)
Leaves (opposite); up to 12cm long, obovate to broadly elliptic in shape with entire margins, hairless, rather thick, leathery and faintly scented when crushed.
Common Acronychia
Common Acronychia Acronychia oblongifolia (Page 3)
Leaves (opposite); up to 12cm long, oblong to obovate with entire margins, hairless, very glossy on both sides, firm and smooth in texture and scented when crushed.
Red-barked Sassafras
Red-barked Sassafras Cinnamomum virens (Page 9)
Leaves (opposite); up to 13cm long, mostly lance-shaped or sometimes elliptic with entire margins, dark green and glossy on top, paler and semi glossy beneath, hairless, scented when crushed, firm and stiff.
Plum Myrtle
Plum Myrtle Pilidiostigma glabrum (Page 8)
Leaves (opposite); up to 10cm long, mostly elliptic in shape with entire margins, hairless, rather glossy and smooth on both sides.
Smooth-barked Apple
Smooth-barked Apple Angophora costata (Page 10)
Adult leaves (mostly oppositely); up to 10cm long, lance-shaped with entire margins, sometimes curved, dark green, semi glossy on top, paler beneath, hairless, strong and firm. Leaf base shape often asymmetric.
Long-leaved Native Olive
Long-leaved Native Olive Notelaea longifolia (Page 7)
Leaves; up to 14cm long, narrow elliptic or lance-shaped with entire margins, firm, hairy to nearly hairless, dark green, satin glossy on top and lighter green underneath, smooth and quite leathery.
Native Guava
Native Guava Rhodomyrtus psidioides (Page 8)
Leaves (opposite); up to 12cm long, elliptic or broadly lanceolate (lance-shaped) with entire margins, dark green, glossy on top, paler beneath and emit a fruity smell when crushed.
Milk Bush
Milk Bush Neisosperma poweri (Page 7)
Leaves (sometimes irregular in whorls of 3); up to 12cm long on mature specimens, reverse egg-shaped with entire margins, hairless and smooth. Broken leaf stalks exude a white sap.
Tree Shaggy Pea
Tree Shaggy Pea Oxylobium robustum (Page 11)
Leaves mostly opposite, sometimes whorled or alternate; up to 8cm long, linear in shape with entire margins, dark green and hairless above, woolly white hairy beneath, relatively rigid due to incurving margins.
Grey Mangrove
Grey Mangrove Avicennia marina (Page 6)
Leaves; up to 9cm long, vary in shape from elliptic to broadly lance-shaped with entire margins, dark green, glossy on top, greenish grey or silvery grey and finely hairy beneath, thick and leathery.
Point Lookout Daisy Bush
Point Lookout Daisy Bush Olearia oppositifolia (Page 8)
Leaves (opposite); up to 11cm long, broadly elliptic or ovate (egg-shaped) with entire or finely toothed margins, dark green on top, finely greyish hairy beneath and soft.
Brown Malletwood
Brown Malletwood Rhodamnia rubescens (Page 2)
Leaves (opposite); up to 12cm long, elliptic to ovate (egg-shaped) with entire margins, semi glossy to dull on upper surface, whitish or yellowish green and hairy below with a rather firm texture.
Native Olive
Native Olive Olea paniculata (Page 8)
Leaves (opposite); up to 8cm long, broadly elliptical or ovate in shape with entire margins, hairless, smooth and soft. Domatia as swellings along the centre vein.
Hairy Psychotria
Hairy Psychotria Psychotria loniceroides (Page 7)
Leaves (opposite); up to 10cm long, mostly elliptic with entire margins, dark green and nearly hairless on upper (when mature), paler and densely hairy on lower surface and soft. Small domatia.
Yellow Hollywood
Yellow Hollywood Vitex lignum-vitae (Page12)
Leaves (opposite); up to 12cm long, mostly lanceolate (lance-shaped) with entire margins, hairless and firm when mature. Domatia (swellings on upper, cavities on lower surface) are visible along centre vein.

Lilly Pillies, Satinashes (Syzygium species)

Blue Lilly Pilly
Blue Lilly Pilly Syzygium oleosum (Page 10)
Leaves (opposite); up to 11cm long, varied in shape from broadly elliptic to lance-shaped or ovate with entire margins, hairless, dark green, very glossy on top, paler green beneath, smooth and leathery.
Fibrous Satinash
Fibrous Satinash Syzygium fibrosum (Page 10)
Leaves (opposite); up to 10cm long, mostly elliptic in shape with entire and slightly incurved margins, hairless, smooth, dark green and glossy on top, lighter green below with a firm and rather leathery.
Magenta Lilly Pilly
Magenta Lilly Pilly Syzygium paniculatum (Page 10)
Leaves (opposite); up to 9cm long, mostly broad elliptic or obovate (reverse egg-shaped) with entire margins, dark green and glossy on top, paler and glossy beneath, hairless, smooth and soft.
Mulgrave Satinash
Mulgrave Satinash Syzygium xerampelinum (Page 10)
Leaves (opposite); up to 11cm long, mostly elliptic in shape with entire margins, dark green, glossy on top, mid green beneath, hairless, strong and firm in texture.
Onionwood Satinash
Onionwood Satinash Syzygium alliiligneum (Page 10)
Leaves (opposite);up to 13cm long, broadly oblanceolate (reverse lance-shaped) with entire margins, hairless, glossy on both surfaces, relatively thick and smooth.
Purple Cherry
Purple Cherry Syzygium crebrinerve (Page 10)
Leaves (opposite); up to 12cm long, broad elliptic or lanceolate (lance-shaped) with entire margins, hairless, dark green, glossy on top, paler green beneath, strong and firm.
Roly Poly Satinash
Roly Poly Satinash Syzygium unipunctatum (Page 10)
Leaves (opposite); up to 11cm long, elliptic to ovate (egg-shaped) with entire margins, hairless, glossy on both surfaces, smooth and rather soft in texture.
Wing-stemmed Cherry
Wing-stemmed Cherry Syzygium alatoramulum (Page 10)
Leaves (opposite); up to 14cm long, oblong with entire margins, hairless, dark green, glossy on top, pale green beneath, firm and strong in texture.Veins are impressed on upper and raised on lower leaf surface.

2.2.B Simple leaves (opposite; 7-14cm) with undulating (wavy) margins (Back)

Python Tree
Python Tree Gossia bidwillii (Page 8)
Leaves (opposite); up to 10cm long, ovate to broad elliptic in shape with (often) undulating margins, hairless, dark green, rather glossy on upper surface, only slightly paler and shiny on lower surface, soft and polished.
Ringwood Anetholea anisata (Page 9)
Leaves (opposite); up to 11cm long, elliptic or lanceolate (lance-shaped) with very wavy margins, hairless, rather thin but firm in texture, aniseed scented when crushed.

2.2.C Simple leaves (opposite; 7-14cm) with serrated (sharply toothed) margins (Back)

Callicoma, Black Wattle
Black Wattle Callicoma serratifolia (Page 1)
Leaves; up to 12cm long, mainly elliptic in shape with regularly toothed margins, hairless on top, pale whitish to grey green, dense whitish hairy beneath, firm and rather stiff in texture.
Velvet Leaf
Velvet Leaf Callicarpa pedunculata (Page 11)
Leaves (opposite); up to 14cm long, ovate to broad lanceolate in shape with finely toothed margins, hairy on both leaf surfaces (more so on lower surface) thin with a very fine sandpapery texture (despite its name).
Black-leaved Socketwood
Black-leaved Socketwood Daphnandra melasmena (Page 1)
Leaves; up to 10cm long, broadly elliptic or ovate (egg-shaped) with toothed margins, hairless, glossy above, scentless, relatively thin and turn black when fully dried.
Victorian Christmas Bush
Victorian Christmas Bush Prostanthera lasianthos (Page 11)
Leaves (opposite); up to 12cm long, lanceolate in shape with toothed to nearly entire margins, hairless, dark green on top, considerably paler beneath, mint scented when crushed, firm and smooth.
Coachwood Ceratopetalum apetalum (Page 3)
Leaves; up to 14cm long, elliptic to oblong in shape with finely toothed margins, hairless, firm and leathery in texture. Leaf stalk has a prominent pulvinus (swelling).
Sassafras Doryphora sassafras (Page 9)
Leaves (opposite); up to 10cm long, mostly elliptic in shape with toothed margins, hairless, glossy on their upper surface, scented when crushed, firm and rather leathery.
Featherwood Polyosma cunninghamii (Page 5)
Oppositely arranged leaves (sometimes slightly offset); up to 9cm long, mostly reverse lanc-shaped with regular toothed margins (callous tips), hairless, mid-green and very glossy on top, rather thin, soft and smooth.
Veiny Graptophyllum
Veiny Graptophyllum Graptophyllum reticulatum (Page 11)
Leaves (opposite); up to 10cm long, elliptic to ovate in shape with toothed margins topped by very sharp spines, hairless, dark green and glossy on top, paler and shiny below, firm and stiff.
Veiny Wilkiea
Veiny Wilkiea Wilkiea huegeliana (Page 11)
Leaves (opposite); up to 14cm long, narrow to broad elliptic in shape with toothed margins featuring a hard tips, hairless with a smooth and stiff texture.

2.2.D Simple leaves (opposite; 7-14cm) with crenate (rounded toothed) margins (Back)

Lemon Myrtle
Lemon Myrtle Backhousia citriodora (Page 7)
Leaves; up to 14cm long, elliptic in shape with finely crenate or nearly entire in-rolled margins, hairless, thick, strong in texture and lemon scented when crushed.
Red Olive Berry
Red Olive Berry Elaeodendron australe var australe (Page 9)
Leaves (opposite); up to 10cm long, mostly broad elliptic in shape with crenate or more bluntly toothed margins, hairless, dark green and glossy on top, light green beneath, smooth, strong and slightly stiff.

2.3 Simple Leaves in a whorl arrangement (7 to 14cm long) (Back)

2.3.A Simple leaves (whorl; 7-14cm long) with entire (smooth) margins:

Turpentine Tree
Turpentine Tree Syncarpia glomulifera (Page 11)
Leaves in whorls beneath the growing tip (opposite thereafter); up to 10 cm long, mainly ovate in shape with entire margins, dark green and hairless on top, dull whitish hairy on their underside, firm thick and leathery.
Australian Rhododendron
Australian Rhododendron Rhododendron lochiae (Page 1)
Leaves; up to 10cm long, broadly elliptic in shape with entire margins, hairless, glossy dark green on top, rather thick and rigid in texture.
Green Bolly Gum
Green Bolly Gum Neolitsea australiensis (Page 6) Emerging leaves are arranged in a whorl below the growing bud . They are; up to 14cm long, elliptic or lance-shaped with entire margins,with a whitish waxy coating on their underside.
Northern Pepperbush
Northern Pepperbush Tasmannia stipitata (Page 8)
Leaves emerge in a whorl arrangement and cluster at the end of branches. They are; up to 12cm long, elliptic or oblong in shape with entire margins, hairless, smooth and emit a spicy scent when crushed.
Coast Banksia
Coast Banksia Banksia integrifolia ssp. integrifolia (Page 3)
Leaves in a whorl of up to 6 leaves (alternate when maturing); up to 10cm long, mostly reverse lance-shaped with entire (toothed in juveniles) margins, light grey to nearly white and finely hairy below, firm and leathery.
Coast Banksia
White Mountain Banksia Banksia integrifolia ssp. monticola (Page 12)
Leaves in a whorl arrangement; up to 13cm long, narrow elliptic or more reverse lance-shaped with entire (toothed in juveniles) margins, dark green and hairless on top, finely whitish hairy beneath, thick and strong.
Hairy Gardenia
Hairy Gardenia Atractocarpus hirtus (Page 7)
Leaves in a whorl arrangement; up to 14cm long, elliptic or broadly lance-shaped with entire margins, dark green, somewhat glossy and covered in hair on upper surface, paler green, dull and covered in fawn coloured hair beneath.
Peanut Tree
Peanut Tree Sterculia quadrifida (Page 8)
Young leaves form whorls and turn to an alternate arrangement; up to 14cm long, ovate (egg-shaped) or broadly oblong with entire margins, hairless on top, covered in very fine hair beneath (mostly on veins), rather thin but leathery.
Honeysuckle Triunia robusta (Page 7)
3 to 5 leaves in a whorl arrangement; up to 14cm long mainly elliptic in shape with entire margins, hairless, dark green and very glossy on the upper surface, thick and somewhat fleshy in texture.

2.3.B Simple leaves (whorl; 7-14cm long) with undulating (wavy) margins:

Sweet Pittosporum
Sweet Pittosporum Pittosporum undulatum (Page 10)
Leaves emerge in a whorl, then turn alternate. They are; up to 14cm long, mostly elliptic in shape with undulating (wavy) margins, dark green and glossy on top, mid-green below, hairless and smooth.
Rusty Pittosporum
Rusty Pittosporum Pittosporum ferrugineum (Page 9) Leaves (whorl then opposite or alternate); up to 12cm long, varied in shape from elliptic to reverse egg-shaped with broadly undulating margins, mostly hairless on top, short rusty hairy beneath and soft.

2.3.C Simple leaves (whorl; 7-14cm long) with serrated (sharply toothed) margins:

White Hollywood
White Hollywood Auranticarpa rhombifolia (Page 12)
Leaves are arranged in a whorl formation and turn alternate when maturing. They are; up to 12cm long, characteristically diamond shaped with irregular toothed margins towards the apex, hairless, smooth and firm.
Fern-leaved Banksia
Fern-leaved Banksia Banksia oblongifolia (Page 5)
Leaves are arranged in a whorl formation and turn alternate when maturing. up to 11cm long, oblong or more reverse lance-shaped with widely spaced toothed margins, dark green on top, whitish beneath, hairless when mature (except for midrib), strong and leathery.

2.4 Compound (composite) leaf with leaflets (7 to 14cm long) (Back)

2.4.1 Bifoliolate (mostly 2 leaflets only) (Back)

2.4.1.A Entire (smooth) margins:

Beach Bird's-Eye
Beach Bird's-Eye Alectryon coriaceus (Page 1)
Compound leaves consist of 2, rarely 3 or 4 leaflets; up to 14cm long, broad obovate to broad elliptic, hairless, smooth and slightly leathery in texture.
Beach Bird's-Eye
Woolly Brush Apple Mischocarpus lachnocarpus (Page 12)
Bifoliolate compound leaves feature 2 (sometimes up to 4 leaflets), which are; up to 13cm long, mostly elliptic in shape with entire margins, hairless, semi-glossy on top, brown hairy beneath (veins), firm and stiff.
Veiny Pear Fruit
Veiny Pear Fruit Mischocarpus anodontus (Page 11)
Bifoliolate compound leaves feature 2 (sometimes up to 4 leaflets), which are; up to 14cm long, broadly elliptic or ovate (egg-shaped) with entire margins, hairless, dark green on top, paler green beneath, soft and pliable. Domatia are present.

2.4.1.B Undulating (wavy) margins:

Twin-leaved Coogera
Twin-leaved Coogera Arytera distylis (Page 11)
Bifoliolate compound leaves feature two leaflets, which are; up to 12 cm long, mostly lanceolate in shape with undulating (wavy) margins, glossy and hairless. Small domatia visible on lower leaf surface.

2.4.2 Trifoliolate (mostly 3 leaflets only) (7 to 14cm long) (Back)

2.4.2.A Leaflets (trifoliolate; 7-14cm long) with entire (smooth) margins:

Little Evodia
Little Evodia Melicope rubra (Page 7)
Compound leaves consists of 3 leaflets (trifoliolate), which are; up to 11cm long, lanceolate in shape with entire margins, hairless, dark green, glossy on top, paler beneath and scented when crushed.
White Euodia
White Euodia Melicope micrococca (Page 12)
Trifoliolate compound leaf consists of 3 leaflets, which are; up to 13cm long, broadly elliptic or reverse egg-shaped with mostly entire margins, sparsely hairy on the upper surface, softly hairy beneath (densely hairy on mid vein), rather thick and firm.
Yellow Satinheart
Yellow Satinheart Bosistoa transversa (Page 12)
Compound leaves consist mostly of three leaflets (trifoliolate), sometimes only 2 or reduced to a single leaf. Leaflets are; up to 12cm long, broad elliptic or lance-shaped with entire margins, hairless, rather thick and strong.
Tall Zieria
Tall Zieria Zieria arborescens subsp. arborescens (Page 11)
Trifoliolate compound leaves are made up of 3 leaflets, which are: up to 10cm long, mostly elliptic in shape with entire margins, dull, dark green on top, paler, sometimes hairy beneath, soft in texture, sticky and strongly scented when crushed.
Pine Mountain Corkwood
Pine Mountain Corkwood Erythrina numerosa (Page 8)
Compound leaves consist of three leaflets (trifoliolate), which are; up to 10cm long, 12cm wide, triangular in shape with entire or shallow lobed margins, hairless (except for new growth), fairly thin and soft.

2.4.2.B Leaflets (trifoliolate; 7-14cm long) with undulating (wavy) margins:

White Booyong
White Booyong Argyrodendron trifoliolatum (Page 12)
Trifoliolate compound leaves consist of three leaflets, which are; up to 14cm long, oblong to elliptic in shape with undulating (wavy) margins, dark green and glossy on top, paler with a copper coloured sheen beneath, hairless and rather thin but strong in texture.

2.4.3 Pinnate Compound Leaves (more than 3 leaflets) (7 to 14cm long) (Back)

2.4.3.A Leaflets (pinnate; 7-14cm) with entire (smooth) margins: (Back)

Australian Teak
Pink Lime Glycosmis trifoliata (Page 7)
Leaf forms are very varied and range from a single leaf blade (simple) to a three-leaved (trifoliolate) or pinnate compound leaf with up to 5 leaflets, which are; up to 12cm long, elliptic or more ovatewith entire margins, hairless and smooth.
Tree Waratah
Tree Waratah (NSW) Alloxylon pinnatum (Page 11)
Pinnate compound leaves with leaflets up to 12cm long, present on younger trees and on coppice shoots emerging from the base of older trees. Canopy leaves (mature trees); up to 14cm long, simple, lance-shaped with nearly entire to deeply lobed margins, glossy and rather stiff.
Australian Teak
Australian Teak Flindersia australis (Page 1)
Pinnate compound leaves with 5 to 13 leaflets; up to 14 cm long, ovate to elliptic in shape, hairless, firm, smooth and scented when crushed.
Celery Wood
Celery Wood Polyscias elegans (Page 3)
Pinnate (sometimes bipinnate) compound leaves with up to 13 leaflets, which are; up to 12cm long, mostly ovate with entire margins, hairless, glossy, faintly celery-like scented and very smooth.
Guioa Guioa semiglauca (Page 6)
Pinnate compound leaves feature up to 6 leaflets, which are; up to 11cm long, elliptic or obovate with entire margins, hairless, pale whitish green beneath, firm and rather leathery.
Mountain Guioa
Mountain Guioa Guioa montana (Page 7)
Pinnate compound leaves consist of up to 6 (mostly 4) leaflets, which are; up to 10cm long, elliptical with entire margins, dull green on top, greyish green beneath, hairless when mature and firm.
Tuckeroo Cupaniopsis anacardioides (Page 11)
Pinnate (once divided) compound leaves consist of 3 to 11 leaflets. Leaflets are; up to 14cm long, mostly oblong to narrow reverse egg-shaped with entire margins, hairless on upper surface, lower surface with scattered fine brown hair on mid-vein, fairly firm and leathery. Leaflets feature very prominent pulvinules.
Tulipwood Harpullia pendula (Page 11)
Pinnate (once divided) compound leaves feature up to 10 leaflets, which are; up to 14cm long, oblong to more elliptic in shape with entire margins, dark green, glossy on upper surface, paler green below, mostly hairless, rather thin and soft.

Domatia visible on lower leaflet surface:

Ribbonwood Euroschinus falcatus (Page 9)
Pinnate compound leaves consist of up to ten leaflets, which are; up to 10cm long, mostly ovate in shape with entire margins, hairless, smooth and scented when crushed. Domatia as bristles (inset).
Coogera Arytera divaricata (Page 3)
Pinnate compound leaves with up to 7 leaflets, mostly 4 . Leaflets are; up to 14cm long, elliptic to reverse egg-shaped with entire margins, dark green, vivid pink when emerging, strong and rather rough. Small hollow domatia along the centre vein.
Burdekin Plum
Burdekin Plum Pleiogynium timorense (Page 2)
Pinnate compound leaves with 7 to 11 leaflets, which are; up to 10cm long, elliptic or more egg-shaped with entire margins, hairless to sparsely hairy, smooth and strong. Domatia visible.
Deep Yellowwood
Deep Yellowwood Rhodosphaera rhodanthema (Page 3)
The pinnate compound leaf consists of up to 11 leaflets, which are; up to 10cm long, oblong, elliptic or lance-shaped with entire margins (shallowly lobed on young trees), hairless apart from brown hairy tufts (domatia) on the lower surface, and firm.
Red Cedar
Red Cedar Toona ciliata (Page 9)
Pinnate compound leaves consist of up to 20 leaflets, which are; up to 14cm long, mostly ovate in shape with entire margins, hairless, smooth and rather soft. Domatia as hairy tufts.
Rosewood Dysoxylum fraserianum (Page 9) Pinnate compound leaves consist of 4 to 10 leaflets (mostly 8), which are; up to 12cm long, mainly lance-shaped with entire margins, hairless, dark green, glossy on top, paler green beneath and smooth. Distinct domatia.
Scentless Rosewood
Scentless Rosewood Synoum glandulosum (Page 9)
Pinnate compound leaves consists of up to 9 leaflets, which are; up to 12cm long, mainly reverse lance-shaped with entire margins, hairless, thin and soft. Clearly visible hairy domatia on lower surface.
Steelwood Sarcopteryx stipata (Page 10)
Pinnate compound leaves consist of up to 8 leaflets, which are: up to 11cm long, elliptic to lance-shaped with entire margins, mostly hairless on top, finely hairy below (along centre vein), thin but firm and rough. Domatia are visible as small bulges.

2.4.3.B Leaflets (pinnate; 7-14cm) with with undulating (wavy) margins: (Back)

Bushy Tamarind
Bushy Tamarind Toechima pterocarpum (Page 2)
Pinnate compound leaves with up to 8 leaflets, which are; up to 12cm long, elliptic with broadly undulating (wavy) margins, hairless, dark green, glossy on top, firm and smooth.
Fine-leaved Tuckeroo
Fine-leaved Tuckeroo Lepiderema pulchella (Page 5)
Pinnate compound leaves consist of 4 to 12 leaflets, which are; up to 10cm long, mostly lance-shaped with undulating (wavy) margins, hairless, dark green, glossy on top, soft and smooth.
Orange Berry
Orange Berry Micromelum minutum (Page 8)
Pinnate compound leaves consist of up to 15 leaflets, which increase in size towards the top. Leaflets are; up to 13cm long, egg-shaped (ovate) with undulating (wavy) margins, hairless, smooth and firm.
Small-leaved Tamarind
Small-leaved Tamarind Diploglottis campbellii (Page 10)
Pinnate compound leaves with up to 8 leaflets, which are; up to 14cm long, mostly elliptic in shape with wavy margins, hairless, dark green, very glossy on top, paler but also shiny below with a smooth and soft texture.

2.4.3.C Leaflets (pinnate; 7-14cm) with serrated (sharply toothed) margins: (Back)

Elderberry Panax
Elderberry Panax Polyscias sambucifolia (Page 3)
Pinnate compound leaf features 5 to more than 10 separate leaflets, which are; varied in length from 4 to 14cm, lance-shaped with irregular toothed margins, smooth, hairless, dark green above, light grey/green beneath.
Hairy Bird's-eye
Hairy Bird's-eye Alectryon tomentosus (Page 7)
Pinnate compound leaves consist of 4 to 8 leaflets, which are; up to 12cm long (largest towards the end), elliptic to ovate in shape with regularly toothed margins, softly hairy beneath, fairly thin but slightly stiff and papery.
Short-leaved Beetroot
Short-leaved Beetroot Ellatostachys xylocarpa (Page 9)
Pinnate compound leaves feature up to 6 leaflets, which are; up to 8cm long, mostly elliptic in shape with mainly irregular toothed margins, hairy beneath (on veins), firm and strong. Distinct domatia.
Wing-leaved Tulip
Wing-leaved Tulip Harpullia allata (Page 12)
Pinnate compound leaves consist of up to 10 leaflets, which are; up to 14cm long, varied in shape from elliptic or oblong to reverse lance-shaped with prominently toothed margins, glossy, dark green, mostly hairless, strong and slightly leathery.
White Elderberry
White Elderberry Sambucus gaudichaudiana (Page 12)
Pinnate (partly bipinnate) compound leaves feature up to 11 leaflets, which are; up to 14cm long, egg-shaped or broadly lance-shaped with finely toothed margins, mid-green and rather dull on top, paler beneath, covered in short stiff hair, thin and soft.
Long-leaved Tuckeroo
Smooth Tuckeroo Cupaniopsis serrata (Page 10)
Pinnate compound leaves with up to 12 leaflets, which are; up to 13cm long, elliptic, oblong or broadly lance-shaped with sharply toothed margins, hairless on top, sparsely hairy on mid vein below, strong and rigid.
Long-leaved Tuckeroo
Long-leaved Tuckeroo Cupaniopsis newmanii (Page 7)
Pinnate compound leaves feature up to 24 leaflets, which are; up to 13 cm long, mostly oblong or oblanceolate (reverse lance-shaped) with widely toothed margins, hairless (when mature), strong and leathery.

2.4.3.D Leaflets (pinnate; 7-14cm) with crenate (rounded toothed) margins: (Back)

White Elderberry
Cape Tamarind Toechima daemelianum (Page 3)
Pinnate compound leaves feature 6 to 10 leaflets, which are; up to 14cm long, lance-shaped or elliptic, hairless when mature, firm and strong. Margins with large rounded teeth have a wavy appearance. Small domatia present.

2.4.4 Bipinnate Compound Leaves (more than 3 leaflets) (7 to 14cm long) (Back)

2.4.4.A Entire (smooth) margins:

White Laceflower Tree
White Laceflower Tree Archidendron hendersonii (Page 12)
Bipinnate compound leaves consist of only two (sometimes 4) pinnae (branches) with 4 to 6 leaflets each, which are; up to 12cm long, lance-shaped with entire margins, dark green and glossy on top, paler and dull below, hairless, soft and smooth, but strong.

2.4.5 Palmate Compound Leaves (more than 3 leaflets) (7 to 14cm long) (Back)

2.4.5.C Serrated (sharply toothed) margins:

Southern Marara
Southern Marara Vesselowskya rubifolia (Page 10)
Palmate compound leaves consist of 5 leaflets, with the central leaflet up to 12cm long. The two basal leaves, which are not present all the time, are only up to 2.5cm long. Leaflets are; elliptic or lance-shaped with finely serrated margins and sparsely hairy.

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Key Information: Leaf/leaflet length measurements used in this tree identification key are;
Average dimensions of larger leaves/leaflets of mature trees or shrubs, which have been measured excluding the stalk.
If your lamina (blade) measurements fall into the border regions of major leaf length categories, check listings in both relevant groups. Select thumbnails to view full size images (opens new browser window). Select Page links to view the relevant page and locate tree identification images and description listed under the common name in alphabetical order. See the Leaf Characteristics Page for comprehensive information on how to identify native tree species by leaf features.

3.1 Simple Leaves with an alternate arrangement (more than 14cm long) (Back)

3.1.A Go to: Simple leaves (alternate 14+cm) with entire margins

  3.1 A.1 Go to: Eucalypts: Leaves the same colour on both surfaces (concolorous)

  3.1 A.2 Go to: Eucalypts: Leaves different colour on surfaces (discolorous)

3.1.B. Go to: Simple leaves (alternate 14+cm) with undulating (wavy) margins

3.1.C. Go to: Simple leaves (alternate 14+cm) with serrated (toothed) margins

3.1.D. Go to: Simple leaves (alternate 14+cm) with crenate (rounded toothed) margins

3.1.E. Go to: Simple leaves (alternate 14+cm) with lobed (indented) margins

3.1.A. Simple leaves (alternate 14+cm) with entire (smooth) margins:

Black Walnut
Black Walnut Endiandra globosa (Page 1)
Leaves (alternate); up to 20cm long, ovate or wide elliptic in shape with entire margins, hairless, glossy on top, smooth and fairly thin in texture.
Grey Possumwood
Grey Possumwood Quintinia verdonii (Page 6)
Leaves (alternate); up to 18cm long (often larger on immature trees), mainly obovate (reverse egg-shaped), hairless, firm and stiff.
Bleeding Heart Tree
Bleeding Heart Tree Homalanthus populifolius (Page 1)
Leaves (alternate); up to 18cm long and 10cm wide, broadly ovate with entire margins, dark green,glossy on top, paler grey-green beneath, hairless, thin and soft texture. Glands (inset).
Ivory Curl Flower
Ivory Curl Flower Buckinghamia celsissima (Page 7)
Mature leaves; up to 20cm long, elliptic to obovate in shape with entire margins, hairless, dark green and glossy on top, light green below with a firm texture.
Silky Persimmon
Silky Persimmon Diospyros mabacea (Page 9)
Leaves (alternate); up to 16cm long, mainly elliptic to reverse lance-shaped with entire margins, hairless, dark green, glossy on top, paler green below, smooth and firm. Branches zig-zag.
Umbrella Cheese Tree
Umbrella Cheese Tree Glochidion sumatranum (Page 11)
Leaves (alternate); up to 18cm long, mostly elliptic in shape with entire margins, fairly glossy on top (right), paler and shiny beneath (left), hairless, rather thin and soft in texture.
Golden Guinea Tree
Golden Guinea Tree Dillenia alata (Page 6)
Leaves; up to 20cm long, broadly oblong in shape with entire margins, very glossy on top, thick, hairless, firm and leathery in texture. Leaf stalk is conspicuously winged.
Thin-leaved Coondoo
Thin-leaved Coondoo Planchonella chartacea (Page 11)
Leaves (alternate); up to 18cm long, broadly oblanceolate (reverse lance-shaped) with entire margins, hairless, fairly thin but firm and very smooth, polished in texture.
Yellow Boxwood
Yellow Boxwood Planchonella myrsinodendron (Page 12)
Leaves (alternate); up to 17cm long, reverse egg-shaped with entire margins, dark green, glossy on upper surface, silvery or brownish green beneath, hairless, strong and firm. Leaf stalk may exude a small amount of milky sap when broken.
Native Nutmeg
Native Nutmeg Myristica globosa (Page 8)
Leaves (alternate); up to 20cm long, elliptical to slightly obovate in shape with entire margins, dark green on top, paler greyish green below, hairless, smooth and firm.
Tropical Kurrajong
Tropical Kurrajong Brachychiton diversifolius (Page 11)
Leaves with alternate arrangement (sometimes close to opposite). They are; up to 18cm long, varied in shape form narrow to broadly ovate with entire margins, hairless, strong and firm in texture. Rigid leafstalk up to 10cm long.
Golden Pea
Golden Pea Daviesia arborea (Page 6)
Leaves (phyllodes); up to 20cm long, rarely more than 1cm wide, mostly linear in shape with entire margins, hairless, dark green on top and paler beneath.
Long-leaved Paperbark
Long-leaved Paperbark Melaleuca leucadendra (Page 7)
Leaves (alternate); up to 20cm long, narrowly lance-shaped with entire margins, hairless, rather thick and firm. Leaf base shape is attenuate and sometimes oblique.
Three-veined Hakea
Three-veined Hakea Hakea archaeoides (Page 11)
Leaves (alternate); up to 25cm long and only 25mm wide, mostly narrow elliptic in shape with entire margins, hairless, mid-green, semi glossy on top, paler green below, strong and rather stiff.
Tartree Semecarpus australiensis (Page 11)
Leaves (alternate); varied in size from 15 to 30cm long, elliptic, ovate or reverse egg-shaped with entire margins, hairless, dark green on top, pale greyish green beneath, firm and rather thick.
Sea Hearse
Sea Hearse Hernandia nymphaeifolia (Page 9)
Leaves (alternate); up to 30cm long, broadly ovate (egg-shaped) with entire margins, hairless, thick and strong. The leafstalk is up to 18cm long, attached inside the leaf blade margin (peltate).
Grevillea decora
'Burra Range Grevillea' Grevillea decora (Page 6)
Leaves (alternate); up to 18cm long, elliptical or oblong with entire margins, hairless (when mature), greyish green on top, paler beneath and leathery.
Black Muskheart
Black Muskheart Alangium villosum (Page 1)
Leaves (alternate); up to 16cm long, broadly elliptic or egg-shaped with entire margins, hairless or very sparsely hairy on lower surface when mature, glossy, dark green on top. The leaf base shape is oblique (uneven).

Leaves hairy on lower surface:

White Oak
White Oak Grevillea baileyana (Page 6)
Leaves (mature trees); up to 20cm long (juvenile up to 30cm), lance-shaped with entire margins, hairless on top, bronze to rusty brown and hairy beneath, strong and firm.
White Yiel-Yiel
White Yiel-Yiel Grevillea hilliana (Page 6)
Leaves (alternate); up to 30cm long, mostly elliptic or lance-shaped with entire margins, dark green, very glossy and hairless on top, grey whitish beneath with a covering of fine hair, strong and rather stiff.
Brown Silky Oak
Brown Silky Oak Opisthiolepis heterophylla (Page 2)
Leaves in the canopy of older trees; more than 20cm long, broadly elliptic or egg-shaped, copper-coloured beneath (when mature), silvery (when young), finely hairy, thick but soft. Leaves of saplings and coppice shoots are pinnate.
Red Ash
Red Ash Alphitonia excelsa (Page 9)
Leaves (alternate); up to 15cm long, oblong to narrow elliptic in shape with entire margins, hairless dark green on top, hairy greyish white beneath and soft.
Pink Ash
Pink Ash Alphitonia petriei (Page 8)
Leaves (alternate); up to 17cm long, ovate or oblong in shape with entire margins, hairless, dark green, glossy on top, densely whitish hairy beneath, rather thick but soft in texture.
Red Kamala
Red Kamala Mallotus philippensis (Page 9)
Leaves (alternate); up to 20cm long, ovate to broadly lance-shaped with mostly entire margins, mid-green and hairless on top, greyish green and covered in fine hair below, rather thin and soft.
Rusty Plum
Rusty Plum Niemeyera whitei (Page 9)
Leaves (alternate); up to 20cm long, elliptic to reverse lance-shaped with entire margins, dark green, hairless and semi glossy on top, paler and densely hairy below, thick and rather firm.
Macaranga Macaranga tanarius (Page 7) Leaves (alternate); up to 25cm long, rounded in shape with entire margins, mid-green, hairless on upper surface, grey-green and finely hairy beneath (more so on younger leaves) and soft in texture.
Candlenut Siris
Candlenut Siris Aleurites rockinghamensis (Page 3)
Leaves; up to 40cm long, broadly ovate with entire margins (on mature trees), lobed on saplings, sparsely hairy, strong and firm. Glands (inset)

Wattle Trees (Acacia species)

Candelabra Wattle
Candelabra Wattle Acacia holosericea (Page 3)
Leaves (phyllodes); up to 20cm long, elliptic or reverse lance-shaped with entire margins, the same colour green on both surfaces (concolorous), fine whitish hairy and firm in texture. A gland is visible.
Maiden's Wattle
Maiden's Wattle Acacia maidenii (Page 7)
Leaves (phyllodes); up to 16cm long with entire margins, mostly narrow elliptic and sometimes curved, mid-green and rather dull on top, similar below, hairless, firm and slightly stiff. Gland present.
Sydney Golden Wattle
Sydney Golden Wattle Acacia longifolia subsp. longifolia (Page 10)
Leaves (phyllodes); up to 20cm long, narrow elliptic, straight or slightly curved in shape with entire margins, hairless, dark green, dull on top, only marginally paler beneath, thick, strong and leathery. Gland visible.
Early Flowering Black Wattle
Early Flowering Black Wattle Acacia leiocalyx (Page 3) Phyllodes (leaves); up to 17cm long, mostly elliptic, from nearly straight to falcate (sickle-shaped), hairless and leathery. A gland is visible (red circle).
Hickory Wattle
Hickory Wattle Acacia implexa (Page 7)
Leaves (phyllodes); up to 18cm long, very narrow, elliptical in shape with entire margins, often curved towards the apex, hairless, thin but strong in texture. Gland present at base of blade.

Fig Trees (Ficus species)

Moreton Bay Fig
Moreton Bay Fig Ficus macrophylla (Page 5)
Leaves (alternate): up to 25cm long, alternate (sometimes opposite), oblong or egg-shaped with entire margins, hairless, dark green on top, brownish on their underside, thick and leathery. Sap milky.
Strangler Fig
Strangler Fig Ficus watkinsiana (Page 5)
Leaves (alternate): up to 22cm long, lanceolate (lance-shaped) with entire margins, hairless, smooth, rather thick and leathery in texture. Sap milky.
White Fig
White Fig Ficus virens (Page 5)
Leaves: up to 18cm long, oblong in shape with entire margins, mid green on top, lighter green beneath, smooth and relatively thin. Sap milky.
Figwood Ficus virgata (Page 5)
Leaves: up to 20cm long, oblong or more ovate (egg-shaped) with entire margins, hairless, dark green, glossy on top, paler green beneath, strong and rather leathery in texture. Sap watery. Gland visible.
Drupe Fig
Drupe Fig Ficus drupacea (Page 5)
Leaves (alternate): up to 20cm long, mostly hairless when mature, ovate (egg-shaped) or broadly elliptical with entire margins, thick strong and leathery in texture. Sap milky.
Round Leaf Banana Fig
Round Leaf Banana Fig Ficus crassipes (Page 5)
Leaves (alternate): up to 16cm long, rounded in shape (orbicular) with entire margins, hairless, thick and leathery in texture. Sap milky.
Round Leaf Banana Fig
Cluster Fig Ficus racemosa (Page 5)
Leaves (alternate):from 6 to 20cm long, egg-shaped or broadly llance-shaped with entire margins, hairless when mature, dark green, semi-glossy, relatively thick and somewhat leathery. Sap milky.

3.1.A.1 Eucalypts: Leaves the same colour on both surfaces (concolorous) (Back)

Blackbutt Tree
Blackbutt Tree Eucalyptus pilularis (Page 4)
Adult leaves; up to 17cm long, mostly lance-shaped or curved (falcate) with entire margins, shiny, mid-green on top, same colour beneath (concolorous), strong, firm and scented when crushed.
Blue Mountain Ash
Blue Mountain Ash Eucalyptus oreades (Page 4)
Adult leaves; up to 17cm long, lance-shaped or curved (falcate), mid-green on both surfaces (concolorous), strongly scented when crushed, rather thick and firm.
Carbeen Corymbia tessellaris (Page 4)
Adult leaves; up to 20cm long, narrowly lance-shaped with entire margins, straight or slightly curved, hairless, greyish green and dull on both surfaces (concolorous), leathery.
Large-leaved Spotted Gum
Large-leaved Spotted Gum Corymbia henryi (Page 4)
Adult leaves; up to 25cm long, narrowly lance-shaped with entire margins, straight of curved (falcate), dark green on both surfaces (concolorous), strong and leathery.
Lemon-scented Gum
Lemon-scented Gum Corymbia citriodora (Page 4)
Adult leaves; up to 20cm long, very narrow lanceolate (lance-shaped), same colour green on both sides (concolorous), strongly lemon scent when crushed, firm and strong in texture.
Messmate Eucalyptus obliqua (Page 4)
Adult leaves; up to 18cm long, broadly lanceolate or curved (falcate) in shape with entire margins, dark green, semi-glossy on top, similar green beneath (concolorous), firm and leathery.
Narrow-leaved Peppermint
Narrow-leaved Peppermint Eucalyptus radiata (Page 4)
Adult leaves are; up to 18cm long, lanceolate (lance-shaped) or slightly curved (falcate), semi-glossy, the same colour green on both surfaces (concolorous), thin leathery in texture and strongly scented when crushed.
New England Blackbutt
New England Blackbutt Eucalyptus andrewsii (Page 4)
Adult leaves; up to 18cm long, falcate (sickle shaped) or more lanceolate (lance-shaped) with entire margins, the same mid-green colour on both surfaces (concolorous), rather dull, strong and leathery.
Scribbly Gum
Scribbly Gum Eucalyptus signata (Page 4)
Adult leaves; up to 15cm long, lance-shaped with entire margins (deformation are visible), semi glossy and mid green in colour on both surfaces (concolorous), leathery, hairless and scented.
Shining Gum
Shining Gum Eucalyptus nitens (Page 4)
Adult leaves; up to 30cm long, narrow lanceolate (lance-shaped) with entire margins, mid green in colour on both surfaces (concolorous), hairless, leathery and scented.
Snow Gum
Snow Gum Eucalyptus pauciflora (Page 4)
Adult leaves; up to 16cm long, lance-shaped, straight or slightly curved, glossy, dark green on both surfaces (concolorous), strong and leathery in texture. Longitudinal veins are obvious.
Spotted Gum
Spotted Gum Corymbia maculata (Page 4)
Adult leaves are: up to 21cm long, lanceolate in shape (image is showing intermediate leaves which are slightly broader) with entire margins, grey green on both sides (concolorous), firm and leathery.

3.1.A.2 Eucalypts: Leaves with different coloured surfaces (discolorous) (Back)

Blue Gum
Blue Gum Eucalyptus saligna (Page 4)
Adult leaves; up to 18cm long, narrow elliptic in shape, mostly straight or sometimes curved (falcate) with entire margins, mid-green above, paler green beneath (discolorous), scented, strong.
Cadaghi Corymbia torelliana (Page 4)
Adult leaves are; up to 15cm long, lanceolate in shape with entire margins, hairless, dark green and rather dull on upper surface, lighter green below (discolorous) with a firm texture.
Flooded Gum
Flooded Gum Eucalyptus grandis (Page 4)
Adult leaves (middle); up to 16cm long, lanceolate (lance-shaped) with entire margins, straight as adult leaves, longer and curved as intermediate leaves, (discolorous), strong and scented when crushed.
Forest Red Gum
Forest Red Gum Eucalyptus tereticornis (Page 4)
Adult leaves; up to 20cm long, lance-shaped with entire margins, straight or curved (falcate), dull green (dried specimens shown) on top, paler beneath (discolourous) and scented when crushed.
Grey Gum
Grey Gum Eucalyptus punctata (Page 4)
Adult leaves; up to 16cm long, narrowly to broadly lance-shaped with entire margins, straight of slightly curved (falcate), dark green above, paler green beneath (discolourous), firm, leathery and scented when crushed.
Grey Gum Eucalyptus major
Grey Gum Eucalyptus major (Page 4)
Adult leaves; varied in length from less than 10 to 20cm long, mostly falcate (sickle-shaped) or sometimes nearly lance-shaped (straight) with entire margins, paler green on lower surface (discolorous), leathery and scented when crushed.
Grey Gum Small-fruited
Grey Gum Small-fruited Eucalyptus propinqua (Page 4)
Adult leaves; up to 16cm long, lance or sickle-shaped with entire margins, dark green above, paler green beneath (discolourous), firm, leathery and scented when crushed.
Pink Bloodwood
Pink Bloodwood Corymbia intermedia (Page 4)
Adult leaves; up to 16cm long, narrow or broadly lance-shaped with entire margins, dark green on top, paler green beneath (discolorous), only faintly scented when crushed, strong and firm.
Red Bloodwood Tree
Red Bloodwood Tree Corymbia gummifera (Page 4)
Adult leaves; up to 15cm long, lanceolate (lance-shaped) with entire margins, dark green on top, paler green beneath (discolorous), only faintly scented when crushed.
Red Mahogany
Red Mahogany Eucalyptus resinifera (Page 4)
Adult leaves; up to 15cm long, mainly broadly lanceolate (lance-shaped) with entire margins, dark green on top, paler green beneath (discolorous), scented when crushed and leathery.
Southern Mahogany
Southern Mahogany Eucalyptus botryoides (Page 4)
Adult leaves; up to 20cm long, broadly lance-shaped (lanceolate) with entire margins, dark green above, considerably paler beneath (discolorous), scented when crushed, strong and leathery.
Swamp Mahogany
Swamp Mahogany Eucalyptus robusta (Page 4)
Adult leaves; up to 16cm long with entire margins, broadly lance-shaped with entire margins, dark green, glossy above, paler green beneath (discolorous), firm, leathery and scented.

3.1.B. Simple leaves (alternate 14+cm) with undulating (wavy) margins: (Back)

Blue Grevillea
Blue Grevillea Grevillea shiressii (Page 6)
Leaves; up to 18cm in long, oblong or narrow lanceolate (lance-shaped) with wavy (undulate) margins, dark green shiny on top, pale green beneath, medium thick and firm.
Broad-leaf Star Hair
Broad-leaf Star Hair Astrotricha latifolia (Page 2)
Leaves; from 8 to more than 20cm long, mostly oblong in shape with entire or slightly undulating margins, whitish grey and woolly hairy beneath, soft and thin in texture.
Brown Beech
Brown Beech Pennantia cunninghamii (Page 2)
Leaves (alternate); up to 16cm long, elliptic to ovate in shape with undulating (wavy) margins, hairless, glossy and smooth in texture. Domatia (red circles)
Cassowary Plum
Cassowary Plum Cerbera floribunda (Page 3)
Leaves (alternate; spiral); up to 30cm long, oblanceolate with undulating (wavy) margins, hairless, highly glossy on both surfaces with a smooth and polished like texture.

3.1.C Simple leaves (alternate 14+cm) with serrated (toothed) margins (Back)

Blue Quandong
Blue Quandong Elaeocarpus grandis (Page 1)
Leaves are; up to 17cm long, oblong in shape with finely toothed margins, hairless, glossy on both surfaces, paler green below and firm in texture.
Quandong Elaeocarpus grahamii (Page 8)
Leaves (alternate); up to 15cm long, obovate in shape with regularly toothed margins and soft in texture. Centre vein is slightly hairy.
Brittlewood Claoxylon australe (Page 2)
Leaves; up to 16cm long, varied in shape from elliptic to obovate (reverse egg-shaped) with irregular toothed margins, hairless, rather thin and soft in texture. Glands (inset).
Brown Kurrajong
Brown Kurrajong Commersonia bartramia (Page 2)
Leaves (alternate); up to 15cm long, ovate (egg-shaped) with finely toothed to nearly entire (smooth) margins, normally hairless on top (mature leaves), pale and whitish hairy beneath, relatively thin and soft felt-like beneath.
Brush Kurrajong
Brush Kurrajong Commersonia fraseri (Page 2)
Leaves (alternate); up to 16cm long (longer on young trees), ovate (egg-shaped) with irregular toothed margins or shallow lobes, dull, mid green on top, pale yellow or whitish hairy below with a felt-like texture.
Cuttsia Cuttsia viburnea (Page 3)
Leaves (alternate); up to 20cm long, broad elliptic to obovate (reverse egg-shaped) with finely toothed margins, hairless, thin and very soft.
Native Hydrangea
Native Hydrangea Abrophyllum ornans (Page 8)
Leaves (alternate); are only retained towards the end of branches. They are; up to 20cm long, reverse lance-shaped or more elliptic with serrated margins, sparsely hairy beneath, thin and soft.
Fishtail Silky Oak
Fishtail Silky Oak Neorites kevedianus (Page 5)
Leaves of mature trees; up to 20cm long, varied in appearance, from egg-shaped to diamond-shaped with toothed margins, hairless on top when mature, rusty hairy on veins beneath, strong and firm.
Giant Stinging Tree
Giant Stinging Tree Dendrocnide excelsa (Page 6)
Leaves; up to 20cm long, mostly rounded in shape with toothed to nearly entire margins. Very painful stinging hairs cover the underside and especially the veins of the leaf.
Shiny-leaved Stinging Tree
Shiny-leaved Stinging Tree Dendrocnide photinophylla (Page 9)
Leaves (alternate); up to 15cm long, ovate (egg-shaped) with varied margins from toothed or crenate to nearly entire. Leaves are fairly thin, soft with small stinging hair, mainly on leaf stalk and main veins.
Serrated-leaved Grevillea
Serrated-leaved Grevillea Grevillia longifolia (Page 6) Leaves; more than 20 cm long, very narrowly elliptic to oblong in shape with irregular toothed margins, deep green and glossy on top, silvery white beneath, firm to stiff.
Prickly Ash
Prickly Ash Orites excelsus (Page 8)
Leaves (alternate); up to 18cm long, mainly lance-shaped with prickly irregular toothed margins, whitish grey on lower leaf surface and stiff in texture. Leaves on young trees are deeply lobed and up to 25cm long.
Yellow Carabeen
Yellow Carabeen Sloanea woollsii (Page 12)
Leaves (alternate); up to 16cm long, elliptic to lanceolate (lance-shaped) with toothed margins, hairless, smooth and strong. Domatia as hairy bristles along the mid rib on the lower leaf surface.

3.1.D Simple leaves (alternate 14+cm) with crenate (rounded toothed) margins (Back)

Maiden's Blush
Maiden's Blush Sloanea australis (Page 7) Leaves; up to 20cm long, mostly reverse egg-shaped with crenate margins, dark green and glossy on top, lighter green below, hairless, strong and firm.
White Carabeen
White Carabeen Sloanea langii (Page 12)
Leaves (alternate): up to 16cm long, obovate or broadly reverse lance-shaped with crenate or shallow toothed to nearly entire margins, dark green, dull on top, paler green beneath, hairless, strong with a dry and thick paper-like texture.
Red-leaved Fig
Red-leaved Fig Ficus congesta (Page 5)
Leaves: up to 25cm long, elliptic in shape with finely crenate margins, dark green when mature, hairless or finely hairy, relatively thick and leathery. Sap milky.

3.1.D Simple leaves (alternate 14+cm) with lobed (indented) margins (Back)

Atherton Oak
Atherton Oak Athertonia diversifolia (Page 1)
Leaves are up to 25cm long, deeply lobed or broadly oblanceolate (reverse lance-shaped), covered in brownish hair when young, thick and firm in texture.
Byfield Spider Flower
Byfield Spider Flower Grevillea venusta (Page 6) Leaves; up to 20cm long, narrowly lance-shaped with either deeply lobed or entire margins, medium thick, fairly firm, dark green and semi glossy on top, pale green underneath and mostly hairless.
Johnson's Grevillea
Johnson's Grevillea Grevillea johnsonii (Page 6)
Leaves feature 5 to 10 lobes, which are linear in shape and less than 2mm wide. Leaves are up to 25cm long with in-rolled margins, hairless, dark green on top, paler green beneath and rather firm.
Red Silky Oak
Red Silky Oak Grevillea banksii (Page 6)
Leaves are; up to 25cm long, normally very deeply lobed (pinnatisect), dark greyish green on top, light grey and woolly hairy beneath, firm and somewhat rigid.
Candlenut Aleurites moluccana (Page 3)
Leaves; up to 25cm long, 3 to 5 lobed or ovate in shape, light green on top, paler beneath, slightly hairy below (along veins), rather thick and leathery.
Brush Nightshade
Brush Nightshade Solanum inaequilaterum (Page 2)
Leaves; up to 20cm long (longer on juvenile plants), reverse egg-shaped with shallow lobed margins (deeper lobed on juvenile plants), soft prickles on both surfaces, glossy when young and rather thin.
Dwarf Kurrajong
Dwarf Kurrajong Brachychiton bidwillii (Page 3)
Leaves; deciduous, varied between 5 to 20cm long (mature), with 3 or sometimes 5 large lobes or ovate (egg-shaped), sparsely hairy on top, woolly hairy beneath (rusty brown in colour, especially along veins) and soft.
Flame Tree
Flame Tree Brachychiton acerifolius (Page 5)
Leaves; up to 25cm long, deeply lobed or with entire margins (oblong to ovate in shape), hairless, mid-green and glossy on top, paler beneath, thick and firm in texture.
Lacebark Tree
Lacebark Tree Brachychiton discolor (Page 7)
Leaves (mature trees); up to 20cm long, with 3 or 5 wide lobes, hairless (except for veins), dark green and dull on top, whitish beneath due to a dense cover of fine furry hair, thick and firm.
Firewheel Tree
Firewheel Tree Stenocarpus sinuatus (Page 5)
Leaves (mature trees); up to 30cm long, very varied in shape from lobed to reverse egg-shaped with undulated margins, hairless, glossy on both surface, firm and stiff in consistency.
Kangaroo Apple
Kangaroo Apple Solanum aviculare (Page 7)
Leaves; up to 20cm long, varied in shape deeply lobed or elliptic with entire margins, hairless and the same colour green on both surfaces (concolorous), rather thin and soft.
Pink Hibiscus
Pink Hibiscus Hibiscus splendens (Page 8)
Leaves; up to 18cm long, varied in shape from deeply lobed to elliptic or lance-shaped with finely toothed margins, whitish hairy on both surfaces with a rough texture.
Red Boppel Nut
Red Boppel Nut Hicksbeachia pinnatifolia (Page 9)
Leaves (alternate); deeply lobed (pinnatifid), giving the appearance of separate leaflets, with 30+ lobes on the same leaf. Lobes; up to 25cm long, irregular toothed margins with small spines, hairless, firm and stiff.

3.2 Simple Leaves with an opposite arrangement (more than 14cm long) (Back)

3.2.A Go to: Simple leaves (opposite 14+cm) with entire (smooth) margins

3.2.B Go to: Simple leaves (opposite 14+cm) with undulating (wavy) margins

3.2.C Go to: Simple leaves (opposite 14+cm) with serrated (sharply toothed) margins

3.2.D Go to: Simple leaves (opposite 14+cm) with crenate (rounded toothed) margins

3.2.A Simple leaves (opposite 14+cm) with entire (smooth) margins (Back)

Scented Acronychia
Scented Acronychia Acronychia littoralis (Page 9)
Leaves (opposite); up to 15cm long, mostly obovate (reverse egg-shaped) with entire margins, fairly glossy on both surfaces, hairless, firm, fleshy and scented when crushed.
Yellow Acronychia
Yellow Acronychia Sarcomelicope simplicifolia (Page 12)
Leaves (opposite); up to 17cm long, broad elliptic or oblong in shape with entire margins, hairless, dark green and glossy on top, firm, smooth in texture and scented when crushed. Leaf stalk is whitish. [Yellow Aspen]
Yellow Aspen
Yellow Aspen Pitaviaster haplophyllus (Page 12)
Leaves (opposite); up to 18cm long, reverse lance-shaped with entire margins, hairless, dark green, very glossy on top, paler green beneath, scented when crushed, smooth and leathery.
Cassowary Satinash
Cassowary Satinash Syzygium graveolens (Page 10)
Leaves (opposite); up to 20cm long, elliptic (widest at the middle) or more oblanceolate (reverse lance-shaped) with entire margins, hairless, dark green, glossy on top, paler green beneath, firm, very smooth and leathery.
Coolamon Syzygium moorei (Page 10)
Leaves (opposite); up to 20cm long, varied in shape from elliptical to broadly oblanceolate (reverse lance-shaped) with entire margins, hairless, dark green and glossy on top when mature, paler green beneath, relatively thick and leathery.
Johnstone River Satinash
Johnstone River Satinash Syzygium erythrocalyx (Page 10)
Leaves (opposite); up to 20cm long (larger on young trees), elliptic in shape with entire (in-rolled) margins, hairless, dark green, dull on top, light green beneath, thick and firm.
Powderpuff Lilly Pilly
Powderpuff Lilly Pilly Syzygium wilsonii ssp. wilsonii (Page 10)
Leaves (opposite); up to 20cm long, mostly lanceolate (lance-shaped) with entire and incurved margins, dark green and rather dull on top, paler beneath, hairless, firm and strong in texture.
River Cherry
River Cherry Syzygium tierneyanum (Page 10)
Leaves (opposite); up to 20cm long, oblong to elliptic in shape with entire margins, hairless, scented, smooth, medium thick and rather leathery in texture.
Weeping Lilly Pilly
Weeping Lilly Pilly Syzygium floribundum (Page 10)
Leaves (opposite); up to 16cm long, elliptic or lance-shaped with entire or undulating (wavy) in-curved margins; hairless, glossy on upper surface; paler green beneath, strong and rather stiff.
White Apple
White Apple Syzygium cormiflorum (Page 10)
Leaves (opposite); varied from less than 10 to more than 20cm long, elliptical in shape with entire margins, hairless, strong and somewhat rigid in consistency due to the impressed lateral veins.
Brown Gardenia
Brown Gardenia Atractocarpus fitzalanii (Page 2)
Leaves; more than 20cm long, mostly elliptic in shape with entire margins, dark green and glossy on top, mid-green and glossy below, hairless, thick, smooth and firm in texture.
False Gardenia
False Gardenia Atractocarpus sessilis (Page 5) Leaves (opposite): more than 20cm long, broadly oblanceolate (reverse lance-shaped) with entire margins, hairless, dark green, glossy above, pale green beneath, very smooth and firm in texture.
Native Gardenia
Native Gardenia Atractocarpus benthamianus (Page 8)
Leaves are opposite or form a whorl beneath the growing bud. They are; up to 18cm long, reverse lance-shaped or elliptic with entire margins, thin and soft. Domatia present.
Thin-leaved Gardenia
Thin-leaved Gardenia Atractocarpus chartaceus (Page 11)
Leaves (opposite, sometimes emerging in a whorl of 3); up to 16cm long, lance-shaped with entire margins on mature trees, hairless, dark green, glossy on top, paler and hairy beneath, thin and soft.
Perfume Flower Tree
Perfume Flower Tree Fagraea berteroana (Page 8)
Leaves (opposite); up to 18cm long, ovate (egg-shaped) with entire margins, hairless, dark green on top, pale green beneath, thick and leathery.
Pink Jitta
Pink Jitta Fagraea cambagei (Page 8)
Leaves (opposite); up to 20cm long, mostly broad elliptic in shape with entire margins, hairless, dark green glossy on top, paler green shiny beneath, thick leathery and very smooth.
Scented Daphne
Scented Daphne Phaleria clerodendron (Page 9)
Leaves (opposite); up to 20cm long, broadly elliptic or ovate (egg-shaped) with entire margins, hairless, dark green, glossy on top, paler green beneath, relatively thick, smooth and soft.
Northern Olive
Northern Olive Chionanthus ramiflorus (Page 8)
Leaves (opposite); up to 18cm long, mostly elliptic in shape with entire margins, hairless, strong and leathery in texture. Small domatia visible on some leaves.

Leaves hairy

Hairy Lollybush
Hairy Lollybush Clerodendrum tomentosum (Page 7) Leaves (mature shrubs); up to 16cm long, broad elliptic to ovate in shape with entire margins (young plants have widely spaced toothed margins), finely hairy on upper surface, densely hairy below, thin and soft.
Beech Gmelina dalrympleana
Beech Gmelina dalrympleana (Page 1)
Leaves are up to 25cm long, deeply lobed or broadly oblanceolate (reverse lance-shaped), covered in brownish hair when young, thick and firm in texture.
Native Crepe Myrtle
Native Crepe Myrtle Lagerstroemia archeriana (Page 8)
Leaves with an opposite arrangement (sometimes slightly offset); up to 16cm long, ovate or broadly lance-shaped with entire margins, hairless on top, yellowish brown hairy beneath and strong.
Rusty Carabeen
Rusty Carabeen Aceratium ferrugineum (Page 9)
Leaves (opposite); up to 16cm long, reverse egg-shaped with entire margins, dark green, glossy, hairless on top (when mature, except for mid rib), paler green and rusty (brown) hairy beneath and firm.
Hairy Fig
Hairy Fig Ficus hispida (Page 5)
Leaves: up to 35cm long with varied margins from entire to crenate, elliptic to lance-shaped, dark green with a finely rough texture, due to short and stiff (bristle-like) hair. Sap yellowish.
White Beech
White Beech Gmelina leichhardtii (Page 12)
Leaves (opposite); up to 20cm long, ovate in shape with nearly entire margins (compared to the strongly toothed leaf margins of juvenile trees), dark green glossy, hairless except for veins on upper surface, paler green, hairy beneath, firm and slightly rough in texture.

3.2.B Simple leaves (opposite 14+cm) with undulating (wavy) margins (Back)

Red Apple
Red Apple Syzygium ingens (Page 10)
Leaves (opposite); more than 20cm long, elliptic or oblong in shape with undulating (wavy) and incurving margins, hairless, dark green, semi-glossy on top, firm and stiff in texture.
Satinash Syzygium glenum (Page 10)
Leaves (opposite); up to 17cm long, broad elliptic or ovate (egg-shaped) with broadly undulating (wavy) or sometimes entire margins,hairless, glossy, smooth and leathery.
Burrflower Tree
Burrflower Tree Neolamarckia cadamba (Page 2)
Leaves; more than 30cm long, broadly oblong or reverse egg-shaped with broadly undulating (or entire) margins, hairless, dark green on top, paler green beneath, thick and firm.
Oliver's Sassafras
Oliver's Sassafras Cinnamomum oliveri (Page 8) Leaves with an opposite arrangement (or slightly off-set): up to 16cm long, lance-shaped with entire wavy margins, firm leathery in texture, and emit a pleasant spicy scent when crushed.

3.2.C Simple leaves (opposite 14+cm) with serrated (sharply toothed) margins (Back)

Crabapple Schizomeria ovata (Page 3)
Leaves; up to 16cm long, oblong to ovate (egg-shaped), hairless, glossy and feature leaf margins which are very varied from finely toothed to nearly entire.

3.2.D Simple leaves (opposite 14+cm) with crenate (rounded toothed) margins (Back)

Odour Bush
Odour Bush Mallotus claoxyloides (Page 8)
Leaves (opposite); up to 16cm long, mostly broad elliptic in shape with irregularly toothed or sometimes nearly entire margins, lower surface densely covered in short whitish hair, medium thick and soft.

E. Lobed (deeply indented) margins:

3.3 Simple Leaves in a whorl arrangement (more than 14cm long) (Back)

3.3.A Simple leaves (whorl 14+cm) with entire (smooth) margins: (Back)

Hairy Red Pittosporum
Hairy Red Pittosporum Pittosporum rubiginosum (Page 7)
Normally 5 leaves emerge in a whorl arrangement. They are; up to 25cm long, mostly elliptic in shape with entire margins, hairy, pale yellowish green beneath, strong and firm.
Bird Lime Tree
Bird Lime Tree Pisonia umbellifera (Page 1)
Leaves; up to 25cm long (larger on saplings), mostly broad elliptic in shape with entire margins, hairless, thick, smooth and polished in texture. A cluster (pseudo-whorl) or an alternate or sometimes opposite formation.
Southern Corynocarpus
Southern Corynocarpus Corynocarpus rupestris (Page 10)
Leaves crowding beneath the growing tip, alternate thereafter. They are; up to 18cm long, varied in shape from broadly oblong to reverse egg-shaped with entire margins, hairless, bright green beneath, smooth and thick. Leaves toothed on saplings.
Brown Damson
Brown Damson Terminalia arenicola (Page 2)
Emerging leaves crowded in a whorl arrangement; up to 20cm long, reverse egg-shaped with entire margins, hairless, mid green dull on top, paler green beneath, firm and strong in texture.
Cassowary Pine
Cassowary Pine Barringtonia calyptrata (Page 3)
Leaves crowded in a whorl arrangement; up to 35cm long, oblanceolate (reverse lance-shaped) or more obovate (reverse egg-shaped), dark green and smooth on top, strong and leathery in texture.
Brush Box
Brush Box Lophostemon confertus (Page 2)
Leaves are arranged in a whorl of four or five leaves (opposite when maturing). They are; up to 16cm long, elliptic to ovate with entire margins, hairless, firm and leathery in texture.
Marbled Baloghia
Marbled Baloghia Baloghia marmorata (Page 7)
3 or 4 leaves clustered below the growing bud, changing to an alternate arrangement when maturing. They are; up to 15cm long with entire margins, long elliptic to reverse lance-shaped, glossy on both surfaces, hairless, medium thick and leathery.
Tree Waratah QLD
Tree Waratah (QLD) Alloxylon flammeum (Page 11)
Leaves (mature trees) are simple and form a whorl arrangement. They are; up to 25cm long, reverse lance-shaped or narrow elliptic with entire margins, hairless, firm and strong. Leaves of young trees often lobed.
Native Frangipani
Native Frangipani Hymenosporum flavum (Page 8)
Leaves emerge in a whorl of up to 4 leaves and turn alternate when maturing. They are; up to 15cm long, obovate to reverse lance-shaped with entire margins, soft, thin, smooth and hairless.
Brush Pepperbush
Brush Pepperbush Tasmannia insipida (Page 2)
Leaves; up to 16cm long (longer for immature specimens), mostly reverse lance-shaped with entire margins, dark green and glossy on top, paler but glossy beneath, smooth and hairless.
Golden Penda
Golden Penda Xanthostemon chrysanthus (Page 6)
Emerging leaves form a loose whorl arrangement. They are; up to 18cm long, elliptic or slightly more lance or reverse lance-shaped with entire margins, dark green, glossy on top, hairless and firm.
White Bolly Gum
White Bolly Gum Neolitsea dealbata (Page 12)
Leaves develop in a whorl beneath the growth bud and turn alternate thereafter. They are; more than 20cm long, mainly obovate (egg-shaped) with entire margins, dark green, glossy on top, white waxy beneath, strong and firm.

3.3.B Simple leaves (whorl 14+cm) with undulating (wavy) margins: (Back)

Cheese Fruit, Noni Fruit
Cheese Fruit or Noni Morinda citrifolia (Page 3)
Young leaves form loose whorls and turn opposite thereafter. They are; simple, up to 25cm long (larger under shady conditions), broadly elliptic or oblanceolate (reverse lance-shaped) with broadly undulating (wavy) or entire margins, hairless, glossy, firm and strong.
Cheese Fruit, Noni Fruit
Macrostelia Hibiscus macilwraithensis (Page 7)
Leaves (whorl); up to 16cm long, reverse lance-shaped with undulate margins, dull dark green on top, paler green beneath, soft and slightly rough in texture. Young leaves are hairy, whereas mature leaves are nearly hairless, except for veins on lower leaf surface.

3.3.C Simple leaves (whorl 14+cm) with serrated (sharply toothed) margins: (Back)

Macadamia integrifolia
Macadamia Macadamia integrifolia (Page 7)
Leaves (arranged in a whorl of 3); up to 18cm long, mostly reverse lance-shaped with widely spaced toothed margins or nearly entire, hairless, dark green, glossy on top, strong and stiff.
Macadamia tetraphylla
Macadamia Macadamia tetraphylla (Page 7)
Leaves (arranged in a whorl of of 4, sometimes only 3); up to 25cm long, narrow oblong (slightly wider at the top) in shape with very prickly toothed margins, hairless, dark green, glossy on top, strong and stiff.
Macleay Laurel
Macleay Laurel Anopterus macleayanus (Page 7)
Leaves arranged in a whorl of up to 5 leaves below the growing bud are; up to 35cm long, mostly reverse lance-shaped with finely toothed margins, hairless, dark green and glossy on top, paler and glossy beneath, smooth and firm.
Saw-tooth Banksia
Saw-tooth Banksia Banksia serrata (Page 9)
Leaves in a crowded whorl arrangement at end of branches. Leaves are; up to 20cm long, narrow oblong in shape with toothed margins, hairless (when mature), thick, strong and rigid.
Green Banksia
Green Banksia Banksia robur (Page 6)
Leaves emerge in a whorl arrangement (4 to 5 leaves) beneath the growing bud and turn alternate thereafter. They are; up to 25cm long, elliptic in shape with irregular toothed margins, hairless on top, pale yellow to cream coloured and velvety beneath, very firm and stiff.

D. Simple leaves (whorl 14+cm) with crenate (rounded toothed) margins: no entries

E. Simple leaves (whorl 14+cm) with lobed (deeply indented) margins: no entries

3.4 Compound (composite) leaf with leaflets (more than 14cm long) (Back)

3.4.1 Bifoliolate (mostly 2 leaflets only) (Back)

no entries

3.4.2 Trifoliolate (mostly 3 leaflets only) (more than 14cm long) (Back)

3.4.2.A Trifoliolate 3 leaflets with entire (smooth) margins:

Doughwood Acronychia octandra (Page 3) Compound leaves feature 3 leaflets, which are; up to 18 cm long, narrow obovate (reverse egg-shaped) with entire margins, hairless, smooth, leathery and scented when crushed.
Pink Euodia
Pink Euodia Melicope elleryana (Page 8)
Trifoliolate compound leaves consist of three leaflets, which are; up to 16cm long, broad elliptic or more ovate with entire margins, dark green, glossy on top, hairless or slightly hairy, very smooth and soft.
Red Tulip Oak
Red Tulip Oak Argyrodendron peralatum (Page 9)
Compound leaves feature three leaflets (trifoliolate), which are; up to 18cm long, mostly elliptic in shape with entire margins, mid green, whitish or silver coloured beneath, rather thin but strong.

3.4.2.B Trifoliolate 3 leaflets with undulating (wavy) margins:

Northern Acradenia
Northern Acradenia Acradenia euodiiformis (Page 8)
Trifoliolate (palmate) compound leaves are made up of 3 leaflets (rarely 2 or 5), which are; up to 18cm long, mostly elliptic in shape with wavy margins, dark green and glossy on top, light green and shiny beneath with a smooth and slightly leathery texture.

3.4.2.C Trifoliolate 3 Leaflets with serrated (sharply toothed) margins:

Red Carabeen
Red Carabeen Karrabina benthamiana (Page 9)
Trifoliolate compound leaves consist of 3 leaflets, which are; up to 20cm long, elliptic or reverse lance-shaped with toothed margins, hairless, glossy and rather firm.

D. Crenate (rounded toothed) margins: no entries

E. Lobed (deeply indented) margins: no entries

3.4.3 Pinnate Compound Leaves (more than 3 leaflets) (more than 14cm long) (Back)

3.4.3.A Pinnate (more than 3 leaflets, 14+cm) with entire (smooth) margins: (Back)

Leaflets partly or fully hairy when mature

Hairy Rosewood
Hairy Rosewood Dysoxylum rufum (Page 7)
Pinnate compound leaves consist of up to 19 leaflets. They are; up to 15cm long, oblong to obovate in shape with entire margins, dark green above, finely hairy beneath. Domatia present.
Cape Tamarind
Cape Tamarind Diploglottis macrantha (Page 3)
Pinnate compound leaves with up to 16 leaflets, which are; up to 30cm long, oblong to broad elliptical with entire margins, bristly hairy and firm in texture.
Native Tamarind
Native Tamarind Diploglottis australis (Page 8)
Pinnate compound leaf with up to 16 large leaflets. Leaflets are; up to 30cm long, mainly oblong in shape with entire margins, dark green on top, paler green and hairy beneath, strong and dry.
Brown Tamarind
Brown Tamarind Castanospora alphandii (Page 2)
Pinnate compound leaves with mostly 10 or 12 leaflets. Leaflets; up to 16cm long, elliptic to oblong with entire margins, pale grey/green, very finely hairy on their underside.
Cudgerie Flindersia schottiana (Page 3)
Pinnate compound leaves with up to 19 leaflets, which are; up to 20cm long, narrow oblong or slightly elliptic in shape with entire margins, hairless on upper surface and covered in fine hair beneath.
Leaflets hairless when mature

Black Bean Tree
Black Bean Tree Castanospermum australe (Page 1)
Pinnate compound leaves consist of 15 to 19 large leaflets; up to 18cm long, lanceolate to oblong in shape with entire margins, hairless, firm and smooth in texture.
Rose Butternut
Rose Butternut Blepharocarya involucrigera (Page 9)
Pinnate compound leaves consist of up to 12 leaflets, which are; up to 15cm long, elliptic to ovate in shape with entire margins, hairless, dark green when mature, paler green beneath, rather thick and strong.
Brush Apple
Brush Apple Mischocarpus pyriformis (Page 2)
Pinnate compound leaf with up to 9 leaflets, which are; up to 20cm long, lanceolate to more oblong or ovate with entire margins, hairless, smooth, rather thick and strong.
Five-leaved Bonewood
Five-leaved Bonewood Bosistoa floydii (Page 5)
Pinnate compound leaves consist of 5 leaflets, rarely 3 or 7, which are; up to 16cm long, elliptic or oblong with entire margins, hairless, firm and rather stiff.
Ivory Basswood
Ivory Basswood Polyscias australiana (Page 7)
Pinnate compound leaves consist of up to 19 separate leaflets, which are; up to 20cm long with entire margins, oblong or more ovate than shown, hairless, semi-glossy, smooth, soft but strong in texture.
Karum Tree
Karum Tree Millettia pinnata (Page 7)
Pinnate compound leaves consist of normally 5 or 7 leaflets, which are; up to 25cm long, ovate or broadly lance-shaped with entire margins, hairless, dark green, glossy on top, paler green beneath, firm and strong.
Northern Guioa
Northern Guioa Guioa acutifolia (Page 8)
Pinnate compound leaves consist of up to 8 leaflets, which are; up to 17cm long, elliptic to more lance-shaped with entire margins, hairless, pale whitish green beneath, relatively thin and soft. One pronounced domatium.

3.4.3.B Pinnate (more than 3 leaflets, 14+cm) with undulating (wavy) margins: (Back)

Slender Harpullia
Slender Harpullia Harpullia rhyticarpa (Page 9)
Pinnate compound leaves consist of up to 12 leaflets, which are; up to 18cm long, elliptical with entire margins, hairless, dark green, glossy on top, paler green beneath and firm.
Cape York Tulipwood
Cape York Tulipwood Harpullia ramiflora (Page 3)
Pinnate compound leaves with up to 11 leaflets, which are; up to 40cm long, oblong or reverse lance-shaped with undulating (wavy) margins, hairless and smooth on both surfaces.
Noah's Tamarind
Noah's Tamarind Lepiderema hirsuta (Page 8)
Pinnate compound leaves consist of up to 40 leaflets, which are; up to 20cm long, elliptic or narrow lance-shaped with undulating margins, dark green above, only slightly paler beneath, mostly hairless when mature, firm and rather rigid.
Queensland Maple
Queensland Maple Flindersia brayleyana (Page 8)
Pinnate compound leaves consist of up to 10 leaflets, which are; up to 20cm long, elliptic or ovate in shape with undulating margins, dark green, glossy above, paler green beneath, smooth and strong.

3.4.3.C Pinnate (more than 3 leaflets, 14+cm) with serrated (sharply toothed) margins: (Back)

Red Bauple Nut
Red Bauple Nut Hicksbeachia pilosa (Page 9)
Pinnate compound leaves feature up to 30+ leaflets, which are; up to 35cm long, mostly oblong in shape with sharply toothed margins, hairless and dark green on top, pale green and finely brownish hairy on veins beneath, very strong and rigid.
Red Boppel Nut
Red Boppel Nut Hicksbeachia pinnatifolia (Page 9)
Leaves deeply lobed (pinnatifid), giving the appearance of separate leaflets, with 30+ lobes on the same leaf. Lobes; up to 25cm long, irregular toothed margins, hairless, firm and stiff.
Rose-leaved Marara
Rose-leaved Marara Ackama paniculata (Page 9)
Pinnate compound leaves feature up to 7 leaflets, which are; very varied, 12 to more than 20cm long, mostly elliptic in shape with finely toothed, crenate or nearly entire margins, nearly hairless to very hairy, light to dark green in colour and rather soft in texture.
Brown Tuckeroo
Brown Tuckeroo Cupaniopsis flagelliformis (Page 2)
Pinnate compound leaf with up to 14 leaflets. Leaflets; up to 18cm long, mostly oblong with toothed margins, hairy on their underside, firm and rather stiff in texture.
Davidson's Plum NSW
Davidson's Plum NSW Davidsonia jerseyana (Page 3)
Pinnate compound leaves feature 15 (sometimes more) leaflets, which are; up to 30cm long, oblong or reverse lance-shaped with toothed margins, whitish hairy on top, covered in stiff brownish hair beneath and firm in texture.
Davidson's Plum Qld
Davidson's Plum Qld Davidsonia pruriens (Page 3)
Pinnate compound leaves feature up to 17 leaflets, which are; up to 20cm long, oblong to oblanceolate (reverse lance-shaped) with regularly toothed margins.
Turnipwood Akania bidwillii (Page 11)
Pinnate (once divided) compound leaves feature up to 30+ leaflets, which are; more than 30 cm long, oblong or narrow reverse lance-shaped with sharp prickles extending from toothed margins, dark glossy green on the upper surface, greyish beneath and very firm to stiff.

D. Crenate (rounded toothed) margins: no entries

E. Lobed (deeply indented) margins: no entries

3.4.4 Bipinnate & Tripinnate Compound Leaves (more than 3 leaflets) (more than 14cm long) (Back)

3.4.4.A Entire (smooth) margins:

Salmon Bean
Salmon Bean Archidendron vaillantii (Page 9)
Bipinnate (twice divided) compound leaves feature 2 to 6 pinnae (branches) with normally 8 leaflets each, which are; up to 18cm long, mostly egg-shaped with entire margins, hairless, smooth, glossy and relatively thin but firm.
Scarlet Bean
Scarlet Bean Archidendron lucyi (Page 9)
Bipinnate compound leaves consist of 2 or 4 pinnae (branches), each normally bearing 6 leaflets. Leaflets are; up to 20cm long; broadly elliptic, ovate or reverse egg-shaped with entire margins, hairless, smooth and firm.

3.4.4.B Serrated (toothed) margins:

Bandicoot Berry
Bandicoot Berry Leea novoguineensis (Page 1)
Tripinnate compound leaves can be more than 1m long. Terminal leaflets are present. Leaflets are; up to 20cm long, oblong or egg-shaped with serrated margins, glossy, finely hairy on centre and lateral veins below, fairly rigid.

3.4.5 Palmate Compound Leaves (more than 3 leaflets) (more than 14cm long) (Back)

3.4.5.A Entire (smooth) margins:

Black Booyong
Black Booyong Argyrodendron actinophyllum (Page 1)
Palmate leaves feature 7 leaflets (sometimes 9); up to 20cm long, reverse lance-shaped or reverse egg-shaped with entire margins, hairless and strong in texture.

3.4.5.B Undulating (wavy) margins:

Umbrella Tree
Umbrella Tree Schefflera actinophylla (Page 11)
Palmate compound leaves feature up to 15 leaflets, which are; up to 25 cm long, obovate to oblong in shape with undulating (wavy) margins, glossy on top, hairless, smooth and firm in texture.

Green Guide Trees of Australia Cover


How to recognise Australian tree families and genera.
A practical field guide to the identification of native species. More than 200 full colour photographs and detailed descriptions explaining leaf, bark, flower, fruit and other tree characteristics. The guide was written and illustrated by the author of these web pages.
New Holland Publishers: January 2016
Format: Paperback with PVC
Pages: 128 pp.
Size: 13 cm wide x 18 cm high

First Edition, Hand Signed Copies